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Your Summer Plans


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first of I'm going to drink a bit :) then I may follow that off with a bit more drinking, then on the 2nd day of my summer I might have a beer or two or thre maybe four might push it for 5, 6?! why the fuck not! may as well have 7 now, 5 left in the crate, may as well drink them all! BECAUSE ITS ONE FINE DAY TO BE NUDE!

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Probably going to try to get a summer job, I need cash now that I'm broke. Driving in 2 years, want a damn good boy-racer car. ;) *cough*civic*cough*


Although, I will be spending a shitload of time training for TKD/Boxing as I'm going to TKD World Championships in August, kinda important. xD (In England Brad!)


Might get back on track with my programming.


God my life sucks.

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