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Mini Team Olympics!


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I've typed this out once and lost it, so this being my second attempt may not be as witty.


Entry fee: 100k per person (If someone really doesnt have cash, i'll cover the cost, but i don't want to.



There will be two teams, simples.

Both teams will have a captain, chosen by me; those captains will then get to choose one by one their contenders from the selection of runescapians available.

Pretty simple, ey?!

Those teams should then set up a private chat together on the forums - if its still possible.



Wilderness fight 1v1; Best of 3 rounds. Players shall walk into the wilderness together, pot up and then fight to the death. Items are kept by the victor. It really doesnt matter who attacks first, just as long as you are both potted and have said "otay to fight."

Duel Arena fight 1v1; Best of 5 rounds. Any gear allowed - take this into account when choosing between wildy fighter and duel arena fighter (As well as CB .. llololllolasdolodlwtfbbqdvfsomg)

Runelink 1v1; Best of 5 rounds. Players will make their way to the games room, and play 5 games of Runelink! (Connect4)

Draughts 1v1; best of 3 rounds. Players will make their way to the games room, and play 3 games of Draughts!

==== If there are more than 4 people on a team, another event will be added (Probably conquest) ====

"SKILLING FTW!?" - The main section of this mini olympics! Every team member will participate in this section, and for one week it will be a contest between everyone as to who can get the most XP in one skill - chosen at random using a Random Number Generator (And giving each skill a number - Edit: All skills that require only the cash for the tools (Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing, Runecrafting, Hunter, Thieving - guess there will be 2 skills, one f2p and one p2p ((with RC being included in the p2p section.)))


Points System

2 Points for a win

1 Points for a draw

0 Points for a loss

3 Points to the winning team of the skilling week.

I will make a table, and tot up the scores as they come in.

I would love it if you guys could e-mail me screenshots of the events as they happen ([email protected]) as i will be making a "sort of reflection" at the end of all this commotion - if it happens


Post here to be put into the "pool" of contenders.


Entrants: [i have given people the colour they remind me of. haha]


I am Kaiden

Heated Deus




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Im down. I dont know how to play runelink or whatever the hell it is though. But im down to do anything else for my team unless there is a better substitute than me for that particular event. And you noob, you forgot to add your conquest in there :P Or is this all f2p?

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Just a suggestion though, for the last event, only put the skills that don't cost any money to train into the num gen. That way everybody can have a go at em. ie; mining, fish, and wc are 'money making', while smith, fire making, and cooking cost money to train unless you do one of the 'other' skills first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shall make it clear for ya'll wanting to enter.

The team captains choose ONE contender per event.

So if you are bad at fighting, talk to your team, and instead partake in the draughts or runelink.


The only thing the whole team participates in is the skilling part - the secondary section of the olympics.

I will edit my post later to try and clarify this a little better.

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