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No One Gets My Humor


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I have an extremely dry, sarcastic sense of humor that people rarely understand. Half the time I'm just cracking myself up with some vague reference and people just look at me like I'm on crack.


It's the worst with girls. They inherently seem to not get anything that's "dry" (said with no emotion that obviously conveys a joke).


My other kick is lying. Whenever I say something sarcastic and people question if I'm being serious, I habitually begin to make up a fake back-ground story explaining whatever my response was. 


This happens  a lot.


It gets pretty bad sometimes. Just last weekend I didn't go to dinner with people I met in a class because of it.


"Hey! I have a great idea. I'm officially inviting you to dinner with me, xxxx, and xxxx on Friday!"


"Thanks but I don't think I can make it."


"Oh, what?! Come on!"


"My fiancee is insisting I stay home and watch the 5th season of Three's Company with her this Friday."


I said that with the full expectation that they'd be all like, "Ha, yeah right. We're leaving at 6." Instead the girl I was talking to just got this blank stare and then started badgering me about who my fake girlfriend was.


Long story short I ended up sitting on ElderSouls.com on Friday night because I weaved this hilariously complex background story that I don't want to / can't go back on without looking like even more of a dick.


Did Three's Company even last 5 seasons? Idiots.

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