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tOfficial Elder Souls Gaming Night

Eric the Bard

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I've already asked this as my status, but are anyone up for a gaming night? I want to know how many can come, and which games we could play. I've only got a PC, so this topic is about a PC night. My suggestions to games are;


Realm of the Mad God

Counter-Strike (I got all of them except GO)




If we choose MineCraft I know about a good server, but if not anyone got it we could use cracked clients on a cracked server, although I don't know how to set that up. Don't think it's too hard though.


I am btw talking about using mic, although you don't have to use mic, but I do hope you would. Hopefully we can use Brad's TS server? ;)


Time: To night and every night the following week, maybe except the weekend fits for me. I might not be home next weekend though.

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I can play CS:S, but my computer is so terrible that it barely runs it atm, so if I came on, it would be to talk more than actually play. If this becomes a regular thing, I can play BF, maybe some CoD when I get my new PC, but that won't be for a while.


Any specific time? Btw, add Webmonkeyire. Eric, I already have you added.

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I can play CS:S, but my computer is so terrible that it barely runs it atm, so if I came on, it would be to talk more than actually play. If this becomes a regular thing, I can play BF, maybe some CoD when I get my new PC, but that won't be for a while.


Any specific time? Btw, add Webmonkeyire. Eric, I already have you added.

I've got you added as well. When it comes to the time, I don't have school next week so anything between 12AM-02AM GMT+1 works for me. That's why I didn't say a specific time, if anyone have any preferences, they should post it here.

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I hope everyone who can come tomorrow at about 8-9PM GMT/3-4PM EST!


TS server address - vs15.tserverhq.com:6174


Edit: That's the time when it starts, not how long it lasts.


Another edit: It's very likely that I will be away this weekend, so if you want an event that you got to organize it yourself. It's not much organizing really.


Third edit: If it wasn't clear, it's Realm of the Mad God. You don't need to be prepared. It takes a few seconds to create a character and it's pretty fun! It is possible to change the game if we find a game everyone wants to play something else when the event has started.

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