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Since Australia is about a day in the future, it would have already happened here so I'm dead XD


I find it funny that there are still some people who believe in this mayan end of the world prophecy, firstly they later realised they miscalculated the date (it was actually months ago) and secondly the two people who originally discovered the artifact predicting this independently went back to have another look and both realized they had mistranslated it, its actually talking about a new cycle of birth and prosperity not destruction, lol. 

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Yeah, it is silly to see how something so trivial spreads all over the social networking sites like wildfire. It is easy to see how miscommunication can happen just by accident. Children, this is why you get your news from the TV (at least somewhat relevant news) and not from Facebook.

I'm not too sure that TV is a great source either. The media in general tends to misconstrue the truth to get a better story (or just because they're stupid)




The three billion posts I've seen in the last day about how it's not going to happen - all submitted by idiots who think they're being clever non-conformists - is infinitely more annoying that the precisely 0 I've seen hinting that it's real.

So I'm an idiot thinking I'm being a clever non-conformist? I'm wasn't saying that most people think its real, I know most people are aware the world is just as likely to end now as any other time, but there is a very small number of people who are actually concerned, and I'm just saying that its stupid that there are even that many people who believe the world is going to end.

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So I'm an idiot thinking I'm being a clever non-conformist? I'm wasn't saying that most people think its real, I know most people are aware the world is just as likely to end now as any other time, but there is a very small number of people who are actually concerned, and I'm just saying that its stupid that there are even that many people who believe the world is going to end.
Nah, that was just another of my rants against my stupid 12 year old facebook "friends". I actually chuckled at the Australia thing.
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="squishyman" data-cid="24833" data-time="1356104759"><p>One theory people had is the Gangnam Style will finally hit 1 billion views, breaking the internet. There have actually been prophecies saying the end of the world will involve a dancing horse and 9 zeros...<br /><br />Not that I believe any of that.</p></blockquote>Well, they made it. One billion. I don't think qoutes work on mobile btw. Fix it Traag!

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I tried to quote u then but your right quotes on mobile really are broken (I can't even scroll down which makes it difficult to add my comment) I think it may also be a problem with the version of the forums as I've had issues with formatting on of as well (see the recruitment guide topic, that's all messed up) it may have something to do with the two modes (code mode and the one where you actually see the post how it will appear)Anyway I was going to say traag can't really do anything about mobile, then I realised you may not be talking about the app (ie using through your mobile browser) in which case he may have a bit more control.Also crazycow for some reason that reminds me of SGT Frog, where one of the main characters travels to earth to destroy it in 2000 but she gets there early, has a nap and oversleeps by a few years (I doubt anyone cares, especially since its not a very well known anime/manga but I'm bored and its too hot for me to feel like doing something else so I'm just going to make this post unnecessarily long to somehow cure my boredom) if anyone reads all this WTF? couldn't you be doing something else. Also this post was meant to have paragraphs but they don't seem to work on the app :(

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One theory people had is the Gangnam Style will finally hit 1 billion views, breaking the internet. There have actually been prophecies saying the end of the world will involve a dancing horse and 9 zeros...Not that I believe any of that.

Well, they made it. One billion. I don't think qoutes work on mobile btw. Fix it Traag!
I fixed the mobile quotes shortly after Eric posted this; if anyone still has an issue with it you just need to clear your cache. I'm not sure what formatting bug Deathirst is talking about, though. PM me or post it in the support forum.
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I tried to quote u then but your right quotes on mobile really are broken (I can't even scroll down which makes it difficult to add my comment) I think it may also be a problem with the version of the forums as I've had issues with formatting on of as well (see the recruitment guide topic, that's all messed up) it may have something to do with the two modes (code mode and the one where you actually see the post how it will appear) Anyway I was going to say traag can't really do anything about mobile, then I realised you may not be talking about the app (ie using through your mobile browser) in which case he may have a bit more control. Also crazycow for some reason that reminds me of SGT Frog, where one of the main characters travels to earth to destroy it in 2000 but she gets there early, has a nap and oversleeps by a few years (I doubt anyone cares, especially since its not a very well known anime/manga but I'm bored and its too hot for me to feel like doing something else so I'm just going to make this post unnecessarily long to somehow cure my boredom) if anyone reads all this WTF? couldn't you be doing something else. Also this post was meant to have paragraphs but they don't seem to work on the app :(

I would read that, but I forgot my climbing gear.




...and it seems that I quoted it three times, for some reason. A glitch, perhaps?

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