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Knight vs. Silverback Gorilla - Who Wins?


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If the gorilla punches the knight, he breaks his hand.

If the knight stabs the gorilla, he wins.


Sorry to bring you all back to Earth.

You do know how strong a gorilla is? They're 400 lbs of muscle. He could crush the armor with the knight inside it.


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Gorilla. Monkeys are fucking insane.


Unless the Silver Back Gorilla is some peaceful breed of monkey.

Ape =/= monkey. L2ape.


I personally think the Gorilla would charge, and the man would be done as soon as the gorilla gets within reach. The knight would have one stab before the gorilla crashes into him with all of his momentum, dead or alive. At that point it's a matter of whether or not the blow the knight got in before he was killed is enough to be a mortal injury to the gorilla after blood loss.

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Gorilla. Monkeys are fucking insane. Unless the Silver Back Gorilla is some peaceful breed of monkey.

I agree the gorilla would win, it would easily be able to smash through the knights armour and its thick skin would protect it from most attacks from the knight.Also the Silverback Gorilla is not a peaceful breed of monkey (its not even a monkey), quite the opposite in fact. They are male gorillas and are famous for their strength, size and agressive nature, which isn't really fair since they are shy vegetarians and only fight if they feel threatened but when they do fight they do a lot of damage.
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A full grown gorilla could lift a car... hell an adult chimp is stronger then 2-3 adult males.

A charging fully grown gorilla would easily crush the knight.



Taken from the all mighty internet.


" The strength of a silverback gorilla has never been measured, but it should be sufficient to say that anecdotal evidence of animals observed almost casually bending and snapping objects such as tempered steel bars (2 inches thick) and giant bamboo stalks, suggest that the gorilla has the muscle power of between 8-15 men and possibly more. Jersey Zoos Jambo was observed to hang from one arm (he was over 400 lbs) while methodically ripping over 200 ft of inner ceiling planks from the roof of the new gorilla house with his other arm (the planks were securely screwed and nailed), simply because he didn't like them. No other animal outside of the great apes has such a combination of strength and dexterity. The fact that gorillas don't use their strength to attack other animals in the manner of chimpanzees or baboons means very little as they are by their very nature, peaceful animals. Gorillas also have one of the most powerful jaws of any animal, which they use to get to the piths of various trees and plants. They can also use them in defense, and can inflict serious wounds with their bites if they so wish. Stories of their ferocity are largely unfounded, and when left alone, gorillas will never attack humans.  "




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Alright squishy lets replace one of these gorillas with you in armor:P

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You guys are right, I wasn't thinking that through.


However, we do need to keep in mind what equipment the knight may have. For example, he might have a shield, which would buy him a bit of time.


Swords have a longer reach than a gorilla's arms.


He could also throw the sword and hope it hits a vital organ.


I believe a mace would do more damage than a gorilla's fist, if the knight decides to wield one.


Knights also often rode on horses, so we need to take that into account.


Overall, I actually think it would be close, and it would come down to the variables of the environment. What it comes down to is that the knight would probably be able to do more damage, but his defense wouldn't really stand up to the gorilla's blows. It depends who gets the first hit.


And honestly, I think the knight would get the first hit, since knights are 


1. Human


2. Educated


Meaning that he would probably be several times smarter.

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Before I start I just want to say I'm not saying anyone here is wrong, only that I disagree. Also sorry my response is so ridiculously long, This combines two things I'm really interested in, animals and historical warfare, so found it hard to contain my passion.

You guys are right, I wasn't thinking that through.However, we do need to keep in mind what equipment the knight may have. For example, he might have a shield, which would buy him a bit of time.Swords have a longer reach than a gorilla's arms.He could also throw the sword and hope it hits a vital organ.I believe a mace would do more damage than a gorilla's fist, if the knight decides to wield one.Knights also often rode on horses, so we need to take that into account.Overall, I actually think it would be close, and it would come down to the variables of the environment. What it comes down to is that the knight would probably be able to do more damage, but his defense wouldn't really stand up to the gorilla's blows. It depends who gets the first hit.And honestly, I think the knight would get the first hit, since knights are1. Humanand2. EducatedMeaning that he would probably be several times smarter.

Several things I disagree with there.Firstly as I posted above I think a gorilla could easily tear through any equipment the knight might have as well as being fairly well protected against it especially since you have to remember, even if the armour is just dented that could be enough to kill the Knight, in fact it was one of the major causes of death in medieval combat.Secondly I'm not sure that a sword would be longer than a gorillas arm, when you think about the fact that gorillas are significantly larger than most humans and they also have much longer arms proportionately (since they do a lot more walking on all fours) compare that to a sword which will vary but on average would be about one and half times the length of the users arm and the further away the sword is held more power is lost.Throwing the sword might work but I think thats answering the question "Could a Knight possibly kill a gorilla?" as opposed to which is more likely to win.You also have to remember that the gorilla doesn't just have 4 fists to use it also has its sharp teeth and powerful jaw and even its tough head to use as weapons.A horse isn't going to be much use as again the gorilla could easily handle that, all it would do is balance the speed a bit more.And finally the question of intelligence is debatable (What is intelligence? What measures intelligence? human intelligence tests aren't all that reliable since they are designed by humans so of course humans are better at them) If its a question of mental ability in fighting the gorilla is probably better off since its brain is filled by what it needs to survive which include fighting. However if your meaning alternate strategies the Knight could use, such as fighting at long range instead, then it is more likely to succeed.Something else I just thought of is that a Knight is quite likely to have never seen a gorilla before, whereas a gorilla would probably have seen humans before.

A better fight would be a grizzly bear against a silver-back gorilla.

That would be a way more balanced fight.
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Pretty much all of this. Though I would also like to add some shit.


1. If a knight managed to shield a blow from a gorilla, I would imagine the resulting blow would damage the knight's arm.

2. I wouldn't even give the knight a horse as it is supposed to be the knight v.s the gorilla.

3. If a knight were to throw his sword, I'd imagine it'd have to be in the same fashion as one throws a spear. Assuming that same technique would work with a sword (which I have no idea if it would or wouldn't), I don't see a knight, in all of his heavy armor, would be able to go through the motions needed to throw the sword in the same manner.

4. A gorilla's arm length is around 8 feet.


The only way I see the knight winning is if he just walks up to the gorilla and stabs it in the face. Gorillas are peaceful creatures unless fucked with, so that will be the knights only true advantage. Of course, this topic is implying the gorilla is pissed off.

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