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Disney Buys Lucasfilms and Plans to Make Star Wars 7


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First one out 2015 something to do with obi wan is what I've heard ;) But seriously they spoke to a superfan on the radioRadio "so what do you think?"Him "well I think it's a cash card and it will ruin it"Radio "but your still going to see it?"Him "oh yer I like the cinema"Insta cash!!

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Bad news for Star Wars games. Still no BF3 in sight.

Disney confirmed the deal will include LucasArts and it will still be focusing on videogames, however expect the focus to be aimed squarely at mobile and social gaming.During the investor call that announced the takeover, Disney's Bob Iger said "We’re likely to focus more on social and mobile than we are on console."

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Not just Star Wars 7 but 8 and 9

Yeah, I heard it was going to be a trilogy based 20 years after Return of the Jedi.It would be interesting if they did something with the existing expanded universe canon (Like Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, and Lowbacca etc.) but I doubt they will, they'll probably start something completely new that doesn't really fit in and clashes with canon.
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If you're implying disney ruins things...all I have to say is Avengers

Yeah, not so worried about Disney ruining it as I am it being ruined, no matter who makes it. The post trilogy will have to live up to the original trilogy standards, which I don't think would pass as good by today's standards, while not falling into the same category as the prequel trilogy.
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It would be interesting if they did something with the existing expanded universe canon (Like Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, and Lowbacca etc.) but I doubt they will, they'll probably start something completely new that doesn't really fit in and clashes with canon.

Damnit! I just read that its not going to have anything to do with the existing expanded universe stuff. Which sucks because canonically the major villain at the time this is meant to be set is Grand Admiral Thrawn who is freaking awesome and unfortunately won't be in it at all. :(
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