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Clan Videos


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Clan Videos

I. Official Clan Wars

1. War: TRR vs. GoG - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Good fight GoG! I am glad to see the HUGE turnout!"

2. TRR vs. Motion - Leonel212

Director's Comments
"Sorry about the sound loss in the middle of the video, I guess Vimeo must not have supported the song I used."

- Smellyduck

Director's Comments

- Smellyduck

Director's Comments

5. TRR vs. Divinity - CrazyCow

Director's Comments

6. War: TRR vs. AL - Blue Speed

Director's Comments
"Good war guys, the practice payed off."

7. War: TRR vs. ELS - Blue Speed

Director's Comments
"Great job guys!"

- Moms Got U

Director's Comments

- Moms Got U

Director's Comments

- Moms Got U

Director's Comments

11. War: TRR vs. TDS - Delroth

Director's Comments
"Fooking great1!"

12. Featured Video War: TRR vs. AL [08/05/11] - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Go go poooowwwer raaaangers!"

13. War: TRR vs. Subsistence Part 1 - CrazyCow

Director's Comments

14. War: TRR vs. Subsistence Part 2 - CrazyCow

Director's Comments

II. Player Vs. Player


- Shampooninja

Director's Comments
"I made this for Delroth." - Shampooninja

2. Clan Wars 2 - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Thanks everyone for showing up. Also thanks for making my first clan event and first clan video amazing."

3. Clan Wars Practice - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"I am glad I could teach you guys all I know."

4. 1st Clan Event - Mithos Kid

Director's Comments
"Good Times"

- Scary 321

Director's Comments
"this had 1 hour of footage! and it was too hard to edit great turnout!"

III. Monster Hunting

1. King Black Dragons 1 - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Thanks everyone for showing up."

2. King Black Dragons 2 - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Thanks for the large outcome! We killed over 30 dragons."

3. King Black Dragons 3 - Mithos Kid

Director's Comments
"Good Times"

4. Green Dragons - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"I solo'ed these. Maybe next time, more people can come."

- RuneDude

Director's Comments
"Great fun, thanks for coming to everyone that came."

- Scary 321

Director's Comments
"thanks guys for makeing this a decent vid"

IV. Skilling

1. Featured Video Fire Fest - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Probably my favorite event to date. Lots of people showed up and we had lots of fun."

2. Hotist99's 99 FM Party - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Good job on 99 firemaking Hotist99! "

V. Mini Games


- Jaapie23

Director's Comments
No Comment

VI. Miscellaneous

1. - Xtreme11

Director's Comments

2. How To Join TRR - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Recruitment video. I was bored."

- CrazyCow73

Director's Comments
"How to sign up, new but not so new version"

4. How To Join TRR v3 - Fergal

Director's Comments
"How to join TRR; updated versrion!"

5. Rebel Highlights - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"You guys are a great clan. This video let me relive all the good times we had."

6. Funny Chat and IRC Moments - CrazyCow

Director's Comments
"Wow, the only place sexual abuse is okay. lol!"

- Scary 321

Director's Comments
"Don't go shamp ill miss you too much"

8. Illini and Me - CrazyCow73

Director's Comments
"Finally, a chance to brown nose a little."

9. Aliath Interview - CrazyCow73

Director's Comments
"Now we will know what REALLY goes on inside Aliath's head."

10. Featured Video Recruitment Video - CrazyCow73

Director's Comments

VII. Featured Videos
http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iqP3st5Xfw http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tm6BAbWGLE http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1LIY17yhuE

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I believe they're all still up besides the "Burn Down RuneScape" video. That sucks though, because that was definitely the best/vintage vid.

David, I have a little bit of experience with videomaking. I can get a new cool clan video up and running by next Sunday or thereabouts. What sort of stuff would you want me to include?
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Correction, easily pull 40+, lol. Some of these are long before my time, but I remember 40+ wars. :PYou have to realize that we weren't top of the table pulling 40+, other clans pull WAY more than they do now, even the top 10 clans. RuneScape isn't half as active as it used to be, and all these updates aren't helping; I'm sure a lot of people would love to have it the way it was a few years ago as opposed to now, even with the wildy and free trade back.

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Correction, easily pull 40+, lol. Some of these are long before my time, but I remember 40+ wars. :PYou have to realize that we weren't top of the table pulling 40+, other clans pull WAY more than they do now, even the top 10 clans. RuneScape isn't half as active as it used to be, and all these updates aren't helping; I'm sure a lot of people would love to have it the way it was a few years ago as opposed to now, even with the wildy and free trade back.

I agree I remember when it was hard enough to cut a yew in f2p or p2p now I casually cut them (: autologout and come back and people still arent there...to be honest I miss the old activity levels of both the clan and game
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