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So, I'm bored of my current desktop. Trying to think of a new theme. I had planned on using a Skyrim one but they have been done to death by most Rainmeter users. Plus Rainmeter uses up a bit too much processing power for my laptop, causing it to lag a bit more than I like. Especially since I have a constant 6-8 programs running at once anyway.I've attached a few pictures of my current desktop. The background changes every 10 seconds with over 500+ images to cycle through. I just picked out a few of my favorite to show :]I've also done a Mario themed one already, which I'll attach a picture of too.I was thinking maybe an Adventure Time themed desktop next? Although I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls and Skullgirls so maybe one of those? I was leaning ore towards Skullgirls though. Since I have an affinity of all things cute and adorable :3.I'll post them as direct links so I don't kill anyone's bandwidth with giant pictures.http://i47.tinypic.com/35batzc.jpg ( Cute Bulbasaurs :3 )http://i49.tinypic.com/a9o30j.jpg ( Space Marine Pikachu! Needs moar Stimpacks! )http://i45.tinypic.com/w8uvir.jpg ( Just a cool image. I thought it was Ash but apparently it's someone named Red or something from a much later generation )http://i50.tinypic.com/ohpdo9.jpg ( Probably the most adorable image I have. I love how they are playing Pokemon too! It's so cute :3 )-------This is my old theme too, only had about 20 images to cycle through but this was the only image I really enjoyed as a backgroundhttp://i47.tinypic.com/nckdt.jpg ( Bon Jovi would be proud )-------Oh and, post your own desktops! No cleaning either :P

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Have you played Shadow of the Colossus? That would be a pretty cool theme, with its stunning vistas and gigantic colossi to cycle through. Set it to once a day, and you will wake up with a new beast on your desktop to marvel at.Unfortunately, my OS keeps saying "Windows is not genuine," and changes my theme to generic every time I try to do something original.Red came before Ash, by the way. Red was the protagonist of the original Pokemon game, and Ash was based off of him. Also, Space Marine Pikachu is a boss.

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I love SotC, but I feel like I would need Rainmeter to pull off a desktop with that. if I was going to do that game, I'd like to do it right. The HD remake almost sold me a PS3, lol. I was hoping for something a bit more cartoony and simple for a desktop theme though.

Honestly, I enjoyed the Ico & SotC HD remake more than Skyrim. I was a Gamecube owner for 6th gen, so the HD remake was my first experience with the game. My GotY 2011 for sure.As for a cartoony desktop theme, what about the Wind Waker? My first video game I ever owned; it will always hold a place in my heart.
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Haha. A Link desktop would be awesome. The only thing is I literally just setup a friend of mines desktop with a LoZ theme not even 24 hours ago. Gave him all my images, my icons, etc. So I kind of feel like I've already done it, if that makes sense.I know I'm being a bit picky but I appreciate the input, lol. I do like the idea of straight Wind Waker though.

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Dragon Age: OriginsSonic the HedgehogDynasty WarriorsFinal Fantasy XIIIAny of those work? 3 out of 4 of those aren't very popular among the gaming community, but I don't know your tastes. I like all 4.

Dragon Age was a good game, kind of. Don't think I liked it enough to warrant a desktop theme to stare at. Same goes for FFXIII.Dynasty Warriors is a cool idea. If I can find some good images and maybe some icons, since I don't have photoshop anymore. I might do that actually. Such an old game but it was always fun to just run through thousands of people.I like Sonic, although I'd probably end up doing more of a Tails theme than a Sonic based on. <3 Tails, he's so cute. Especially in the cartoon.------Dear lord Deathirst, your desktop is HUGE. What size monitor are you running, or do you have it hooked into your TV?
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As a general rule, I just have something that makes me giggle when I look at it as my background. When I no longer get the giggles, I change to something else. Also, I don't use desktop icons cause I'm a douchey hipster like that. Here's the last 3 I can remember having.http://i.imgur.com/GxvBW.jpghttp://www.sanitaryum.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tumblr_lh892v3bYv1qdqr1xo1_1280.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m56l3lFign1qft5vfo1_500.jpg

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As a general rule, I just have something that makes me giggle when I look at it as my background. When I no longer get the giggles, I change to something else. Also, I don't use desktop icons cause I'm a douchey hipster like that. Here's the last 3 I can remember having.http://i.imgur.com/GxvBW.jpghttp://www.sanitaryu...qr1xo1_1280.jpghttp://25.media.tumb...ft5vfo1_500.jpg

Those are great desktops, I loved them, haha.I've thought about going with no icons, but then I remembered I'm not using Linux anymore and it just makes my life easier to have icons with Windows.
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Dear lord Deathirst, your desktop is HUGE. What size monitor are you running, or do you have it hooked into your TV?

I only just realized it is pretty big, The resolution is 1680x1050. I'm not sure on the actual monitor size (I cant find it anywhere on it, and I got it as a scholarship thing from my uni)
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I like the 3 starters where Charmander is play the gamboy pocket :Dwhere did you find that wallpaper?

That one is totally my favorite :D. It's so cute! I can't help but "aww" when I see it xDPretty sure I found it here; http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6974645/Snowy_s_Wallpaper_CollectionIt may just be an image I found lurking the internets though. I have over 300gigs of wallpapers I've collected over the past year. If you want I can send you the original. Or if you have any requests I can see what I can do for the theme.
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So I found This image. Decided to do an Adventure Time theme for my desktop. This picture is just WAY too adorable not to use. I love it :D.

I love Adventure Time. I feel like it was tailored just for people like me. I've been thinking an Adventure Time video game that had Dragon Age 2 style combat would be awesome.Do you watch Regular Show as well? My dad actually watches it with me, since its humor is relatively mature.
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Haha. I love Regular Show too.I'll never forget a few months ago at work. This little girl and her dad were shopping. She said something and he said "Gotcha. Ohhhhhhhhh" just like Mordaci (sp?) and Rigby. So the little girl replied "YEEEAAAAAHHHHHH".It was... awesome.Also, whenever I play Brawl, I main Pikachu so I use the one with the trucker hat because it reminds me of Rigby :]

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