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What's the most overrated game of all time?


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Well, what do you think?I'm going to have to go with the Pokemon games. The simple fact is that they're all horribly rehashed and contain almost no story whatsoever. Nintendo also used really shitty marketing strategies for the consumer, such as the need to buy link cables or own multiple games to "catch 'em all". I mean, two releases every iteration? Really? And people just eat it up?There were many, many more in-depth and interesting "catch the monster" games. I personally had Dragon Warriors Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey on the GBC and it was insanely more fun and complex than Pokemon. Guess it didn't have a TV show or a ton of propaganda behind it, though.

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This is a tough one... I guess if I had to pick one right off the top of my head... Borderlands, or maybe Diablo3. Can't really think of any older games that withstood the test of time and are still played today that are actually bad.@Brad - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQOswiAGLU4I'm not a huge Tetris fan, it definitely needs some defending though. Lol

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Now, are we talking the whole CoD series? Because before they started focusing strictly on the multiplayer, the CoD franchise was great.

Well, what do you think?

I'm going to have to go with the Pokemon games. The simple fact is that they're all horribly rehashed and contain almost no story whatsoever. Nintendo also used really shitty marketing strategies for the consumer, such as the need to buy link cables or own multiple games to "catch 'em all". I mean, two releases every iteration? Really? And people just eat it up?

There were many, many more in-depth and interesting "catch the monster" games. I personally had Dragon Warriors Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey on the GBC and it was insanely more fun and complex than Pokemon. Guess it didn't have a TV show or a ton of propaganda behind it, though.

I didn't have time to reply to this earlier but...

I agree with the rehash of the games. There is no need for LeafGreen or FireRed or anything like that. As for buying extra parts, Sony should be the one with the finger pointed at them. PS2/PSX, I had to buy an adapter for $35 to play a 4p game? I've heard rumors that the first PS3s didn't even come with HD wires. I mean seriously, do I really have to buy things that should have been included? My N64 had four controller plugins...

I do disagree with the part of two iterations of each game type. I personally enjoy that idea and think it's genius. Especially now that link cables aren't needed, and you can trade from all over the world. It means that even if you play your version to death, there are things you just won't be able to do without someone with the other game. It means you HAVE to go out and find people with a similar interest and a copy of the other game to complete your Pokedex. Even evolving certain creatures is impossible with a friend. I know personally, and I'm sure most gaming nerds agree, it's somewhat annoying at times. Nintendo has always been about interaction though. Trying to get people to come together.

Pokemon has also learned from previous games though. They've added new types and moves so it's not longer a battle of who can get the type advantage first. You actually have to think about your move set, your types, and now even which item your Pokemon is holding. They added a breeding system. Not quite as deep as Dragon Warrior Monster but you do have to remember that Pokemon is somewhat directed at children. Moods for your Pokemon, affecting stats as they level. A happiness meter, which also causes your Pokemons' stats to change. Maybe during the Red/Blue/Green days it wasn't very deep. It has evolved a lot since then though. Each new series brings new ideas to the plate, changing how you have to think and play the game. I have yet to get my hands on White/Black yet though, so I don't include those in anything I've said.

Dragon Warrior Monsters, awesome game. In fact it's one of those games I play every once and a blue moon even though I'm done with it. Lol. The breeding system was genius and made for so much replay value trying to get he perfect stats for your monster ( The first one, never had a chance to play the second one ). I have an affinity for all things cute and adorable though, so I still liked playing Pokemon more though :P.

Edit - Also, the more I think about it. Diablo3 is probably the most overratted game to ever exist. I mean, the game broke records yet is so watered down with a horrible economy ( Invincibility glitch that Blizzard didn't seem to care about for so long. In fact, they may not have even fixed it still ) which was it's main draw. Since they encourage Real-World Trading with an auction for real money if you want.

No creativity in anything. Stats level for you, as do skills since they all become unlocked by the end anyway. My mage wasn't even allowed to swing a sword. I HAD to cast spells. So any unique builds or making a glass-cannon setup, or a tank setup, was completely impossible unless you picked the class that was meant to do that.

I also understand that the 'gear you wear' is what makes your build unique now. I think it's just an excuse. Torchlight is totally based on the gear you use exactly like D3. In Torchlight though, I can still level up my own stats and skills. Giving me hundreds of builds I can create while still allowing me to focus on the build I want through my gear. I can make a Mage that tanks with the right stats. In D3, it's impossible because the stats automatically level for you. So it's impossible for me to pump my vitality on a mage so my mage will never be a tank. It will always be focused on Intelligence.

Blizzard even admitted at one point that the game had no replay value at all!

The game has now become known as Diablo 3: Lord of Error 37. An error that took out millions of players for weeks after it's release. Making the game completely unplayable for a majority of players. While Blizzard sat around twiddling it's thumbs and not even giving a response until much later.

I may be a bit harsh on D3, since I was a hardcore Diablo2 player for almost ten years. Diablo3 was probably the game I had wanted to come out the most. Even more than Skyrim or Starcraft2. So I was extremely disappointed at the job they did. Thankfully this was a new team that worked on D3, since the original Diablo crew moved on to make the Torchlight games.

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Now, are we talking the whole CoD series? Because before they started focusing strictly on the multiplayer, the CoD franchise was great.

Yeah, I actually meant the Modern Warfare games. I liked the single player CoD games and the Treyarch games, while still overrated, aren't that bad. Modern Warfare 2 was one of the worst games I ever played.
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Generally speaking, Call of Duty 4 was the series high point. But yeah, that and Halo are a bit overrated imo. Halo had a pretty decent story line though.

Halos built around the story line :P they just wanted people to enjoy the game after the story so built a multiplayer version, it's simple sweet and relys on skill and connection. Halo 3 is anyway Reach is just garbage
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I don't think people give enough credit to the original Halo and Halo 2. Three and beyond were definitely overrated though. I will admit that I am looking forward to Halo4 even though I'm not a real Halo fan at all. A new team, with new ideas are creating it. It may just be the jolt the series needs to be good and fresh again. Not just new maps with the same mechanics.

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