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Possible Clan Event, Win 50M!


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So I got this Private Message on Tip.it from some guy who has a youtube channel and for his 1000 subscriber he's hosting an event (Fit Pits) and the lat man standing wins 50M

His PM to me

Hey man, I am hosting an event to celebrate my upcoming 1000 subscribers on my youtube channel. I am giving 50 million gp to the 1 person that is the last to survive. A LOT of clans are expected to show up and go for it so I figured I'd invite you and yours as well. If you would like me to list your clan as participating in the official thread for the event, I will gladly do so =) You can find more details here: http://forum.tip.it/...ght-pits-event/

Link's detail (If you're lazy or have a slow computer)

Hey guys, basically I'm announcing this to give everyone a heads up about an event I am organizing in the very near future. At the moment of posting this I am at 963 subscribers and should hit 1000 any day now. This is pretty exciting for me so I wanted to do something awesome to celebrate and share with everyone as well as do something unique. Basically, my idea is to have an event at fight pits where everyone joins in for a battle royale and I would give the sole winner 50,000,000gp. I think this would be pretty awesome and a lot of people would really enjoy it. I will announce more details about where/when the event is happening when I actually hit 1000 subscribers so for those of you that haven't subscribed yet my channel can be found here: SmoothScape. You don't need to be a subscriber to participate or to win, but it is always appreciated as it would speed up the process to 1000 so this event can occur sooner =)

After looking into it further, someone had basically the same idea a few years ago and this is how the event went:


I doubt I'm alone in saying the event looked FREAKING AWESOME! =P Also its pretty badass to be the guy that comes out on top of 100s and 100s of people. So I'm really excited to make this happen and I;m going to try to make it as epic as this one as 50m is a pretty big commitment to a tiny bank like mine lol. Cheers and I hope to see you all in there! Look for more details soon! =D

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