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10 Things I Learned from the RuneScape Combat Beta


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1. my first post in like forever maybe, this feels like the first post ive ever made since i joined like 3 years ago.2. i agree pretty much all points made3. rejuvination will likely get nerfed as it is an automatic win when you are against another melee.4. there needs to be some more ranged abilities imo, but one ability that stuns you for up to 20 seconds definatly needs to be nerfed as by the time you are un-stunned the cooldown timer is already up and they can use it again pretty much.5. very dissapointed with the findings that spec weapons are now rendered useless such as claws and korasi. makes me wonder what jagex will do to the drop rates of some of those types of items or if they wont change them at all.6. oh my god maging is do-able now?! before a combat skill that required some major cash is now very cheap as combat spells no longer require the dreaded blood/death runes that used to shoot prices of casts up so much. im starting to think that getting 99 mage back in the day was a very good investment as i think i will start doing more often if they keep it this way.7. many armour items such as ba awards and defenders are now shit such as the fighter helm. the torso is still ok as a body for someone who is on a low budget.8. im kind of dissapointed that now prices will pretty much be solely based on 2 values intstead of the like 20 they have on rs now. (this point is kinda hard to understand since it is hard to explain)9. one thing i am impressed with the new combat system now is that you need some skills to pvp instead of letting your character hack away at the other person. now you need to activate different actions/abilities at the right moments, a good example would be a shield tank using reflect abilites.that ends my rant on the beta updateP.S. i was forced into posting this.

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Thanks for posting this up btw :) I couldn't really be ficked to play the beta.I'm more interested into how it will effect F2P Warring tbh, like what abilities will be f2p because tanking 30+ people all using an ult will be hard :/I don't understand why there changing the combat calc that I've never heard anyone complain about though? Just means more work for them re-modelling every single npc :/

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Yeah, trying out f2p armor and weapons is another thing I wish I would of done. I guess as far as f2p wars go, a couple of things come to my mind.

[*]Pulling opponents around obstacles is more or less useless now. If you don't keep attacking, you'll lose your adrenaline. This can be worked around by smacking somebody while you are piling though. Again, something I wish I would of messed with.

[*]Food depletes your adrenaline bar, so I guess the better strategy is to use Defensive perks to lower the damage of whoever is attacking you and deflective abilities to cause damage until you can activate rejuvenate, which will heal you, deplete your bar, and allow you to gorge on food.

[*]Several people unleashing ultimates on one person at once will be a decent strategy.

[*]One person being a huge game changer? :o

Also, your girl's right nipple is in danger of being air brushed D:

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Not really looking forward to this, killing takes longer in my opinion even with the abilities and cb stats, slay, and dung will take longer to level. One thing i like about though is that rigour gets refunded :)

Haven't tried dunging, but slaying is not really affected. At least, I didn't notice a difference with it. And since the combat triangle is more in your favor, you'll be able to take longer trips, which is always nice.

So, I can no longer go running into the middle with mah rune scimmy screaming leroy?

Better yet, you can DUAL WIELD scimmies and just Leroy all the noobs.
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