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How to protect your pc and keep it in shape!


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Hello everyone,Not sure if this is posted in the proper place :sweat:Since my recent hack I've once again discovered that the security I currently have on my pc is bad....My question to you is:What kind of anti-virus and anti-spyware programmes do you use? Are they free?And how do you keep your computer as fast as lightning?The programmes I've got installed are:Avira AntiVir (free anti-virus)Ad-Aware (anti-spyware and stuff) (I only do scans with this one, no protection)Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (free anti-spyware)As for keeping my computer in shape:I delete my internet history daily with CCleaner (free)I defrag my system weekly with Defraggler (free)I search for errors in my registry weekly with Eusing Free Registry Cleaner (free)

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Avira is good if you can stand the advertisements. It's what I've personally used for years without any problems. I will say that many critics say it's been going down hill compared to Avast recently, and I'll admit some of the new advertising shit they're doing is complete garbage. Either Avast or Avira will be fine, though.


For a firewall, you can't beat Comodo even if you use a paid one, and it's free.


Malwarebytes is good. I've used Super-Anti-Spyware as well and it used to be great, but it too has fallen off in recent times.

I would actually advise against scanning and deleting things from your registry. Free cleaners like that are far too prone to delete something important and honestly you get neglible (if any) benefit from it regardless.

Oh, and there's like a 99.99% chance your account was hacked because you were password sharing or something. I have no idea what your history with that is, but accounts are damn near impossible to hack these days with the different log in names. Most of these things, although probably a good idea for PC security in general, probably weren't why you lost it.

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My dad used to work as an Administrator for a health department before he was laid off cause his boss was a bitch. Anyway, he snagged a copy of whatever anti-virus he used on all of the computers there.No idea what it is called, I didn't wanna feel left out.

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Main thing is, don't go to iffy site and keep your system updated, flash, java, ect.

Heh, actually, on the Dutch news I recently heard you get a much higher risk of getting viruses when visiting religious themed websites than when you're watching porn. I always advice using a sandbox when you're watching porn or other risky stuff, this way you're much safer.
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