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I do not post less I have a reason to. As such people thought I am a guest member. No, its because I don't feel it makes me important to see my name repeatedly appear on a forum. usually those people like to post with 'cool' or 'bump' or the like. Pardon me for feeling the reserve to hold my words unless there valid.As such I will now make use of the forums to say this and I fully expect flames, expulsion, hate, moderation, and removal of my account. I would prefer honest discussion but human nature is a terrible thing.For starters I am still in surgical recovery, I will be till wednesday but I am doing well. I have a slight fever but the antiobiotics are helping. That aside.I return and Sir Tai Qwan is gone. I ask about and find out he formed his own guild. I ask more and I find out its on bad terms he left. No one feels it best to tell me the entire story rather toss me bits of cheese to see me chase my tail.I signed on last night and I get a extra treat. I ask if the leader is around (he was online it said) and got told to use the forums. Why when he is right there I will never know. People inquire why I wish to speak to the leader, while a valid question should I desire to speak to the leader of a orginization it is a good chance its not something the average member can asist with.I am then regailed with a very unpleasent situation. A gentleman by the name of Blexun (whom later in private was more civil and explained things to me) and his friends, one of which whose name escapes me but had to do with PKer regail me with Blexun's sexual acts, making divine referances, and generally being innapropriately vulgar. Again in private later he was a gentleman. Which confuses me, why be nice in private if your a disgusting vile person in public?Around the same time several people began private messaging me seeking data about Sir Tai's new clan, sadly I feel it was either to jump ship or cause issues. People don't seem to get I am asking these questions cause I do not know.I am upset about this, between this and the guild member ' 9 11's a lie ', I am unsure where I stand in here and if I should stay. I want to talk to Tcee who has been overly helpful before I make a decision, and should I choose to leave I shall return and repay all items given to me while levelng as a part of the clan.One last thing, and this did put a burr under my skin.Blexun, Pker, and the rest thought I was a guest member cause they never see me. I point out that I play often but it was explained to me that since I dont post more on the forum people wont know of me. I do not understand the symbols by peoples names in the clan list, but if Blexun is as big in the clan as he claims, could he not check the list and understand the symbols and see if I am a guest member?Sorry it just got to me a bit.I am still out of town, so my computer time is limited. I can check this thread as able but if the mods decide to chew me out on here then ban me, I will like to point out that its moot since I will be unable to read your rant then. If you do decide to ban me please send a transcript of the thread here to my email which you have on file. I would like to know what people have to say.Know this please. I like it in the clan, but I seem to be put in a bad position. Ontop of such, while I do not ask for there to be cruel moderation in game, I would beg there to be some level of it. I stated that 9 11's a lie offends me and I was told to put him on ignore. Well first it was laughed about and seemed to be viewed as a joke.... But guysif this clan is one where your going to talk about handjobs and your penis's and such a lot... well its not a clan for me.I got made fun of for not praising Blexun, but as I told him. If he is such a member in pristine standing and the pinacle of the clans excellence... then maybe he should set a better example for the new people like me. Cause if he is your posterchild, then I am not Rebelz's material.sincerilyAluin Melluish ibna al-Seyefa aka Alma Wade

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Well I am not afraid to step up to the batting plate my lady. I was the pker guy you were talking of. I was originally just trying to jerk your chain about joking around with blexun (if you hang out around clan chat you will notice blex is arguably the most well known TRR member). If you will notice blex never said anything out of place, people were saying it for him. That's just how we act. Blexun is the closest thing we have to a gentleman so we poke and prod at him consistently trying to get a reaction all in the name of fun.I don't know your situation and I am not concerned, your drama is not my drama, however when you go to our clan chat demanding answers like everyone is trying to hide them from you then I believe you crossed the civil line well before I did.With that being said have a great day, a speedy recovery, and may God(s) bless you.GETPKERSLAPD OUT!

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Brave move knocking forum posters. I personally still stay on TRR's forums because I have good friends here and the threads interest me. I haven't seen anyone post spam like "cool" in a long time. So please feel free to take a look around before slating us again.Secondly you seem to have a very "high horse" attitude. And I don't know what happened but I will vouch for Blexun because he is a great guy. So maybe stop taking things so seriously and just have a laugh :)TRR isnt for everyone

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I wouldn't call Blexun a "gentleman," I just enjoy his company. Also, there are many people who created an account, asked a couple questions, then never post again. It's not suprising that we might see you as a "guest," considering your post count.

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I would perfer not to post much as my view of forums are more i post more drama can possibly come but I will explain it to clarify.I joined Rebelz's to play Runescape, not to play on a forum or mIRC.As such I focus my time I have for Rebelz on the game itself.

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Not sure if you will read this as you've already told me you aren't a big forum user, but I feel like I have to comment on bits and pieces being as I was more or less a problem.

For starters I am still in surgical recovery, I will be till wednesday but I am doing well. I have a slight fever but the antiobiotics are helping. That aside.

Already said this on your original topic and in game, but good luck with your recovery. Wasn't aware it was that rough on you, but then again, I've never had any sort of extened hospital visit since I was born.

I signed on last night and I get a extra treat. I ask if the leader is around (he was online it said) and got told to use the forums. Why when he is right there I will never know. People inquire why I wish to speak to the leader, while a valid question should I desire to speak to the leader of a orginization it is a good chance its not something the average member can asist with.

The reason was Cons, or Anarchy as he is known on the forums, doesn't pay attention in game. While this also annoys me, I've just come used to contacting him on IRC and forums. And I also volunteered to help for a couple of reasons. First off, I thought you were either a guest or from another clan asking about a war and whatnot, in which case I would of directed you to the forums. As I said, this came from me not seeing you ingame that much, though I understand this is because of you being in surgery which I forgot about since you aren't a big forum poster. And that is fine. I also didn't even look at your name on the clan chat list, so that is my fault.

I am then regailed with a very unpleasent situation. A gentleman by the name of Blexun (whom later in private was more civil and explained things to me) and his friends, one of which whose name escapes me but had to do with PKer regail me with Blexun's sexual acts, making divine referances, and generally being innapropriately vulgar. Again in private later he was a gentleman. Which confuses me, why be nice in private if your a disgusting vile person in public?

I feel like I need to defend myself a bit here. I wasn't going on about myself, instead maybe provoking the other members. Honestly, this doesn't happend often. Actually, that is probably the first time I've seen that happen in years. As for the being a gentleman in private, occasionally I forget or don't realize other people are serious or don't pick up harmless banter..

Blexun, Pker, and the rest thought I was a guest member cause they never see me. I point out that I play often but it was explained to me that since I dont post more on the forum people wont know of me. I do not understand the symbols by peoples names in the clan list, but if Blexun is as big in the clan as he claims, could he not check the list and understand the symbols and see if I am a guest member?

Said this before, but I didn't even check the CC list. My bad.

I am still out of town, so my computer time is limited. I can check this thread as able but if the mods decide to chew me out on here then ban me, I will like to point out that its moot since I will be unable to read your rant then. If you do decide to ban me please send a transcript of the thread here to my email which you have on file. I would like to know what people have to say.

I'm actually glad you logically made an arguement and vented your problem rather than quit without talking about it.

Know this please. I like it in the clan, but I seem to be put in a bad position. Ontop of such, while I do not ask for there to be cruel moderation in game, I would beg there to be some level of it. I stated that 9 11's a lie offends me and I was told to put him on ignore.

As far as I know, he quit Runescape. Not saying he won't come back, but he's on a tight leash as it is. I'll just leave it at that.

Blexun is the closest thing we have to a gentleman so we poke and prod at him consistently trying to get a reaction all in the name of fun.

I would add this to my quotes, but even I can't believe that.

I don't know your situation and I am not concerned, your drama is not my drama, however when you go to our clan chat demanding answers like everyone is trying to hide them from you then I believe you crossed the civil line well before I did.

I wouldn't say he demanded answers. He just showned increase interest after I hinted I knew what was going on. And again, handled it via pm so to keep drama from putting a damper on everybody's time.

I've never seen anyone praise Blexun like this, so it wasn't a regular occurrence. It was probably just a couple of people kidding around; Blexun isn't THAT well-known or high-ranking as it is.

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left on bad note? for real? i was there when tai was talkin to apolly about all that. actually, from what i recall, the dialogue between the two was mildly amusing. he left cause he was sick of... well, enough.the fact that a tight-ass is getting stroked over everything is kinda sad.idve used the whole quoting thing... but in all honesty... not in the learning moodand not breaking it up into paragraphs makes it look like ive said more, sue me.

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Thank you all for the civility and open discussion. I also spoke to Con earlier and had a pleasent discussion and learned about the situation. Its appreciated that things can be done here and handled properly.I will be staying, I just felt in a bad spot do to me being friends Tai and friends with people in TRR.Also sorry if I came off as crash, the loratab is causing me to go from extremes of moods and I hope I have not inavertably taken it out on anyone.*huggles all*Oh and one more clarification.I'm a girl.

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I apologize if I came off as arrogant. I don't know when I sound that way and I can't help it. I was just remarking that some people might not know you don't have to create an account to ask a question, so they create one and never come back, leaving an account with a low number of posts.Hmm...huggle is an interesting word. I'll be adding that to my vocabulary, which is a bit creepy since I'm a guy.

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Eh me and Tai are still on good terms and we keep in touch while im online.Also Blexun is welll for lack of better words a sado/masochistic fool, but he has proved useful at times. Make fun of him all you want and see what kind of reaction comes out of it, but still should be in moderation since it is still offensive.To get in contact with our leader its best to use pm through forums since he is busy a lot of the times.If you have anymore questions or what not don't be afraid to use forums to get answers. Since our cc can be sometimes filled with trolls.Also whats the big deal bout Tai forming his own clan? I already knew about it before it happened lulz.

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