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Finally Saw The Avengers (Spoilers)


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It was a really, really good movie. Probably my favorite in years, at the very least since the Dark Knight. This coming from someone who was very skeptical of the "multiple super-heroes" in a movie thing.

Few thoughts...

    [*]There were a shit-ton of references to other movies, and it was worth it just for these. Point Break and The Wizard of Oz off the top of my head.

    [*]There were A LOT of great scenes.

      [*]Hulk v. Loki near the end - fucking hilarious.

      [*]Hulk randomly punching Thor offscreen after the take-down of the flying alien thing.

      [*]Loki making the crowd kneel - great scene, loved the old German dude standing up with the "there will always be men like you line. Captain America had a great entrance right after it. Then of course Iron Man had his signature ACDC fangasm.

      [*]Everyone on the internet is all "OMG HULK VS. THOR." The scenes leading up to this were great imo because they were the first time I realized Hulk wasn't going to be his usual lame-ass self as seen in other movies (not the characters fault as much as bad movies). He was easily one of the better characters in TA.

      [*]Hulks "I'm always angry" transformation was epic and I loved the dude that played Dr. Banner. The "secret" was confusing, though, and didn't really make sense alongside Hulk's first transformation.

      [*]Iron Man's near death/sacrificing experience with the nuke.

    [*]The banter between all of the heroes was great and had a lot of fan service. I specifically liked the connection between Stark and Banner.

    [*]Thor's actor played his role well and it wasn't as cheesy as I had anticipated.

    [*].... With that said, I didn't really like the "OMG WE'RE GODS LOL" addition to the already crowded 6 super heros + portal aliens.

    [*]The flying aircraft carrier was fucking epic yet hilariously retarded. What's the point of the aircraft?

    [*]Tony Stark didn't disappoint with one-liners.

My complaints...

    [*]Black Widow was obviously only in the movie as eye candy. Completely useless around the other Avengers. There were several scenes that featured her alongside the likes of Iron Man and Thor battling the aliens with these tiny-ass pea-shooter pistols. The only thing she actually did in the movie was take out the orb or what-not at the end, which anyone could have done.

    [*]Hawkeye wasn't as bad as Black Widow, but the bow and arrow thing alongside the futuristic technology and flying aircraft carrier... Yeah, no thanks. Is there any reason to be using a Bow and Arrow? Everything he was doing could have been better accomplished with a modified automatic weapon.

    [*]On that subject, WHAT THE FUCK HAWKEYE? In the last 10mins of the movie he had about 6 slow-motion, absolutely-fucking-ridiculous shots with the arrow without even looking. That, plus the "I'ma shoot this arrow into the wind at 300mph and it's going to hit the ship perfectly here." Then he goes and gets his ass kicked by Black Widow and misses her AT POINT BLANK A GOOD 3-4 TIMES. adkfjnadskjfnasdkfjnasdf

    [*]Don't know what the hell was up with that chick cadet or whatever in the command wing. She had like 8 scenes with dialogue and was never introduced or made to be significant. Probably will be in the next movie or something.

    [*]When agent Coulson is alive again in Avengers 2. Write it down.

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Two more things that I forgot to mention...

    [*]Loki's rant to the German's near the beginning was in English. Am I supposed to believe that one old German dude was the only one to understand it?

    [*]His outfit was pretty lame. Mostly the helmet, which turned him into a dung beetle.

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Black Widow was in it because she knows hawk eye and helped him back from the "dark side". IMO they were both in it so Marvel can bring out a movie about 1 or both of them lol

They actually both have cameo appearances in other movies: Black Widow in Iron Man 2 and Hawkeye in the newer Incredible Hulk.Funny you should say that though as a Black Widow movie has already been planned. Sounds like a terrible idea, but we'll save that for a more appropriate time.
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They actually both have cameo appearances in other movies: Black Widow in Iron Man 2 and Hawkeye in the newer Incredible Hulk.Funny you should say that though as a Black Widow movie has already been planned. Sounds like a terrible idea, but we'll save that for a more appropriate time.

man of all knowledge <3 I actualy didnt know that lolyer especially seem as shes not that hot...
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  • 2 months later...

Black Widow was in it because she knows hawk eye and helped him back from the "dark side". IMO they were both in it so Marvel can bring out a movie about 1 or both of them lol

There were going to be movies about them leading up to the Avengers similar to captain america and hulk, they're also 2 of the original Avengers. (I believe they almost had the full team, they were just missing Scarlet Witch, Ant Man, and Dr Strange[the latter 2 are probably going to have movies leading up to Avengers 2], there could be more though, I'm not certain). But I doubt they'll ever have the complete original team as they will probably put spiderman and maybe even wolverine in the next Avengers movie since they've been members of the Avengers/New Avengers/West Coast Avengers at some point.Also sorry for replying to such an old topic just thought I could share a bit of what I know/think in case there was someone who was interested.
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