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Your Skyrim DLC Wishlist

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What do you hope gets added to Skyrim though the DLC updates? Make a list!

    [*]Spell creation such as what we had in Oblivion.

    [*]Everyone wants Dragon mounts. I think it would be kind of excessive since horses are already pretty pointless, but it would be insteresting to see how it's implemented.

    [*]Large new places to explore. Shivering Isles big.


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One response? I thought this topic was sure to get suggestions since Dawnguard is going to be displayed at E3 in a few weeks.On the cape thing - it was a mod in Oblivion and it was just really well done and bad-ass in general. Looking at Daedric armor and everything after it made everything look really half-finished.

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I'd like to be able to kill children, i really hate those little bastardsmoar animals definitely, I'm tired of wolves and bears being the only thing that attacks you on sighta cut-down on wolves, there are too manydifferent armor variants, with and option to change their colorA hunger bar, to give food a point

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  On 5/26/2012 at 11:39 AM, 'whitemagic said:

more racesextra customizable armor like geofften rings (ten fingers) can be equipped

Races-I kind of doubt they will add more races just because they've been keeping the same 10 since the beginning.Armor-Like geoff?Rings-As cool as this would be, this would be overkill. Pretty sure you can fit 0 cost magick on all schools of magic if you could wear all 10 rings.
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I thought of a MAJOR new idea that would only be possible with what happened for Skyrim. I have three things, the major thing will be the first.

[*]Inscription: Yes, just like in World of Warcraft, the ability to inscribe spells to rolls of paper, making charcoal or some writing tool along with rolls of paper useful. This would replace the spell making of Oblivion and would work such as normal scrolls. You'd be able to make the same spells just like oblivion, just only one use. You'll be able to bring back spells such as 100 damage spells, and spells that last 2 minutes, or spells with range of 100 yards. Maybe... Bethesda could you know, bring back spell-making tables, however who knows. the addition of a higher level cap would be nice. maybe make the cap 85 or 90? who knows.

[*]The ability to craft staves: Battle-staves, normal staves, Dragon Priest staves, and the like. Craft an enchantable Daedric Battle-Staff. when it runs out of charge, use it like a normal weapon until its recharged. Adding weapons to Skyrim would make it much much more re-playable, and beefing up the Mage builds would be really nice and I would love to play a Mage with a battle-staff and my third DLC option.

[*]Mage Armor: Temperable Magic robes. Now you can have Mage armor with Light or Heavy armor pieces on it so you can keep the robe look, yet actually not be as squishy as a soft baked potato. you could temper with Iron, Leather and all the way up to Daedric or Dragon bones/scales. And if you want to make your gear more stylish, it goes to that as well. Maybe the Mage will have a little more beef and bite to it, with all three of these. who knows?

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Guest Chameleon Pancake

Inscription-like the scroll making idea which takes us back to oblivion. I'm thinking maybe the arcane enchanter flips over to become a spell craft table or something.so as your skill improves the spell effect gets stronger similarly to enchanting.Construction-the idea of making war-machines like ballistae, cannons and catapults as well as portable ones such as a kind of Gatling bow or magic turret like the ones in-game.you could make basic ones out of steel and as your smithing and construction skill improves you can make stronger machines.(Daedric Cannon of Death anyone???) these machines could be enchanted too.Bombcraft-pretty similar to how assassin's creed have done it. You would use firewood for splinter bombs, iron ingots to make shrapnel bombs...you get the idea...they would need only one hand to throw and you could make stronger bombs as your skill improves.Adding these skills in dlc could raise the level cap to around maybe 91 because Bethesda are awkward like that -_- but overall it should massively improve the skyrim experience if the guys at Bethesda take notice :) looking forward to further dlc!!

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The only thing I would really want with the DLC is the ability to go to Hammerfell and enter the arena. Since Skyrim is lacking one of it's own. I mean, the first TES game was based around this arena, and Skyrim is like right next to it. I would gladly pay for a DLC that was focused solely on this arena. It would also give me a reason to play my Redguard.

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