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One of the biggest reason I play a game is for the story. For the most part, I won't bother with a game if I think it's story is kind of week (exception is TLoZ. Damnit Link I love you). So what are some of the best stories in video games? Here are some of mineAssassin's Creed: Probably my favorite. It goes a lot deeper in history and attempts to explain how every religion in the world is both correct and incorrect. It also creates stories about how big historical figures, such as Ghandi and FDR, all did what they did with the help of a Piece of Eden. Very interesting if you enjoy digging through the game to figure it all outHalf Life: Ever since I bought The Orange Box, I really got into this game. I actually enjoyed figuring out what happenes next more than playing it. Here's hoping Valve makes the 3rd episode soooooooon.Mass Effect: Really love I can transfer characters from game to game, so my decisions impact the story from one game to the next. Really pumped for the 3rd installment, especially since they plan to implement that idea even more.

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The OLD Final Fantasy games had good stories. 7 is obviously legendary. I loved 10 as a kid, but looking back it was probably just because I was younger.Assassins Creed is definitely up there as far as scope is concerned.I'll come up with way more I'm sure, but I have to think on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never knew what the fuck was going on during Shadow of the Colossus. I just questioned why I was trying to kill these magnificent giants. Yes, that's precisely why many said it was a masterpiece, but there's a fine line between being intentionally vague and just being a lazy developer. There's definitely a gray area to be exploited.

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I guess that when I said "story," you misunderstood. Somehing about it, maybe the feeling you get when fighting colossus, and I just put that under story, for some reason. Ico's story is pretty good though. It's made by the same company. Be warned, it hasn't aged as well as SotC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I definately think the Assassins Creeds have great storylines; they are one of my favourite games.But I really enjoyed the Infamous storylines. Not only did I think they were good stories but I also liked the choices. (More in Infamous 2 though.)Just my opinion. :)

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My two favorite games (Sonic Adventure 2 and Pikmin 2) both had good stories, but the gameplay blew it all out of the water. As far as story goes, I love Halo. It's just...Master Chief is so badass, and the story is like something you'd find in an actual book or movie. Nothing irks me more when developers think they can get away with a shoddy story just because it's a game. SA2 and P2 were the exceptions, due to excellent...everything else. I've beaten Pikmin 2 at least ten times and it's still not boring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look up the flash game "One Chance". It's a choice based game that determines if you survive the apolcolypse you caused. And, yeah, you can't restart, even if you close out. You really do have one chance. Unless you delete your cookies, of course.

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Look up the flash game "One Chance". It's a choice based game that determines if you survive the apolcolypse you caused. And, yeah, you can't restart, even if you close out. You really do have one chance. Unless you delete your cookies, of course.

This game... all I can say is... CANADIANS!!! Why no fart jokes tho?
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Look up the flash game "One Chance". It's a choice based game that determines if you survive the apolcolypse you caused. And, yeah, you can't restart, even if you close out. You really do have one chance. Unless you delete your cookies, of course.

I played that before. You just switch your browser to private browsing and you can play however many times you want. Kind of ruins the point, but I enjoyed picking it apart like that.A similar, but less serious game is You Only Live Once. Instead of just ending though, you can press continue to get the aftermath of your decisions, which is pretty cool.
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