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Need some advice


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Okay, so I'm in Florida at the moment and this happened to me. I kind of want some advice before I take any sort of action. Kind of long, but please bear with me.I have family in Naples, so I go visit them when I can. My uncle is a pilot so flying there isn't a problem. I decided to go there for spring break. Surprisingly, the beach area where they live isn't too crowded, so I only wish to relax on the beach for a few hours everyday, check out the town a bit, and just relax. All the while I'm living with my aunt and uncle and their daughter and son; she is 18 and he is 13 I think.Tuesday at around 6pm, my 18 year old cousin "Sally" asked me if I wanted to go to a party that one of her friends was throwing. Me and her get along all right and I've talked to her friends, who seem like fun people, so I reluctantly agreed. I figured I'll just bail early if it sucked or if I just wasn't in the mood. Sally and I got there around 11pm. The party was a lot bigger than I thought it'd be, like ~50 people, but I just stuck with some of the people I was acquainted with and was having a decent enough time. I'm guessing "Sue"'s (chick throwing the party) parents kept alcohol around because it wasn't long till it got brought out. I casually drank a bit and this is how things went for about an hour and a half.While I was talking to some guys, Sue came up to me and asked me if I'd help her out with something. I said sure and she told me to follow her. She grabbed my hand and led me out the back door to the beach. When we got out there, she told me she just wanted to get away from people for awhile and relax a bit, so we started walking down the beach and talking. About 10 minutes later, "Jack", some past boyfriend I think, found us and asked why was I hitting on his girl. He started yelling at me and getting in my face. Sue was telling him to back off, but Jack was kind of scrawny so I pushed him aside with little effort. They argued a bit and Jack just stormed off yelling and cursing. Sue apologized for his outrage, but I assured her it was no big deal. We talked a bit more and then she asked me if I was bored. She then led me down the beach near some shack or life guard station.We laid down on the sand near the shack. Sue whispered in my ear "I need something of your's". She then pulled up her shirt and removed her shorts I looked at Sue and noticed something was a bit off. I asked her what she needed. She responded "I need about tree fiddy". I then took a long look at Sue and noticed she was a 50 foot giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, the Loch Ness Monster.Damnit Nessie.

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Lmao, As I read this story I thought you were being serious until I got to the very end. Wow..is all I can say.

Same! Lol'd. I remember one of these type of stories about a gym or something, only quickly read over it because it was long and didn't read the end properly, made me look like some fool... lmfao.
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