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how to get 100 sneak


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Go to the Greybeards and they will always sit on the floor somewhere in the building. Crouch down behind one of them and get out a knife and start swinging at him. Make sure your hidden if your not it won't work. They won't attack you or get mad at you. There health will go down once its really low wait till he heals and start hitting him again (i don't think he will die but do it just in case). They may get up and walk around and sit down somewhere else. Just wait till he sits and start hitting him again. Your sneak will get better and better but it may take a while.

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That would be awful slow @Traaginen - using a dagger, you can spam attack them for a lot of xp, as long as you use a dagger; if you are using any other weapon, they will detect you and you'll need to wait until you are hidden again, which is an awful waste of time (they attack you if you keep hitting them while detected). Plus, dagger has like the highest sneak attack bonus. =P

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Well yeah, but wouldn't it just be easier to rubber band your stick down so you're walking against a wall in an NPC's bedroom? That's the traditional method I know. I don't know how much more experience you get with attacking, so I don't know if the speed increase offsets the hands-off approach of the other method.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/2/2012 at 7:34 PM, 'OrionRunner said:

Just remember that since this game scales your enemies your level will go up as well. So you may have 100 sneak but your combat skills may not be high enough to support you with the mobs that are scaled to your base level.

That's a good point to make. Generally, in my experience, as long as you don't power level multiple non-combat skills at once you will be fine. I personally did smithing and enchanting at the same time. Since those skills indirectly aid combat greatly (as sneak does) my combat effectiveness actually improved.But yeah, people definitely need to be wary of that point.
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  • 10 months later...

Its been a while since I played Skyrim so I can't remember the specifics. But theres a cave with this blind old bandit guy, which is where I got 100 sneak, you can do that rubber band thing Traag suggested since he just sits there (or in my case I just kind of sat the controller in a way that it was holding the thumbstick down. As Orion said though the game scales your enemies, which made it very difficult for me since I did this really early on in the game and then as soon as I left the cave I was attacked by a dragon that was way too powerful for me to deal with at the time.The high leveled sneak abilities were useful though, being able to hide from people mid-battle just by crouching etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fastest way currently that I know to date, which takes only roughly about 30 minutes at max, starts at the beginning of the game. during the first moment when you are told to possibly sneak past the bear under Helgen, you can push Rolof into a rock, with his back facing outward. it'll start slow, but if you can get your sneak attacks right, you'll end with about 40 one-hand and 100 sneak. Take your iron or steel dagger and just continue to sneak attack Rolof's spine. switch difficulty to Master to avoid more waiting time between him losing his health.

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  • 1 month later...

the easiest way to get 100 sneak is when you are first given the option to follow the stormcloak you arrived with or the imperial who guides you past the dragon attack go with the imperial you'll go in the barraks he free's you and tells you to check the crates for weapons and armor don't open the chest with the arrow pointing at it grab a sword off the wall sneak up to the imperial and hit him back up then repeat this also upgrades your one handed and you can also use destruction magic and upgrade that as well the ncp doesn't die and doesn't attack you in about 2 to 4  hours you can get 100 sneak 100 destruction 100 one handed, just how much repition can you handle. I was level 30 something by the first battle and also started getting better weapons from victims earlier.

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