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A Medieval Society

Death Knight

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Ever since I was young, I've been deeply interested with blades bows, honour, kings & queens, loyalty, fire & steel, the samurai culture/disipline, the vicortian age in england, the 100 year war between and french, the scotish warriors, men-at-arms, archers, carpenters,blacksmithing, horsebackriding/calvary, battle field tactics and strategies so on and so forth, Im sure you get the point.Has anyone else ever dreamed about a world like this ? or at least a land like this full of likeminded individuals working together for a prosperous land, of course we would still have indoor plumbing, acess to medicine etc. But everyone knows each other and helps their neighboors. Old music, taverns, town guards, honourable wives and friends.Blacksmiths, stable hands, farmers, carpenters, stone masons, hunters, merchants etc.Thats my sort of dream land, hills and valleys of green, tall mountain peaks where the only voice is the coyote howling at night or the wind whispering through the forest trees, ancient & full of wisdom.Does anyone else crave this ?

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a land like this full of likeminded individuals working together for a prosperous land, of course we would still have indoor plumbing, acess to medicine etc. But everyone knows each other and helps their neighboors.

This part, of course. As far as the actual medieval time period goes, it was often quite barbaric and lawless; not really what it's often made out to be in many stories. Of course, I certainly wouldn't complain if we could live in the place (as it's made out to be) either.
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I've been taking a lot of personality test and crap that NC State told me to take to help find what career I would like and excel in. They all told me I was an ISTP and who's description pretty much described me. All of the descriptions said that I live a very much scheduled life, but if given a chance, I would take up an adventure. That being said, although a mutual life where we would know and help each other is pretty swell, I think the part about exploring would be something I would enjoy. I was born a couple hundred years too late for that though.Also, apparently I'll enjoy being an Engineer, Carpenter, or Detective. Not sure how I feel about this.

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This part, of course. As far as the actual medieval time period goes, it was often quite barbaric and lawless; not really what it's often made out to be in many stories. Of course, I certainly wouldn't complain if we could live in the place (as it's made out to be) either.

Like I said, my dream world haha, but the ones that go crazy and branch off are what the guards are for haha

im hoping to be a carpenter when alls said & done, possibly a blacksmith, even though i dont have any training or much of any knowledge about the art, but i know more about carpentry/cabinetry, I can make furniture, and know a bit about residential carpentry (building houses etc) so i would be able to contribute that much, i've also worked at stables, and with livestock, and have grown crops before (yes, i'm a redneck/hillbilly/country boy/son of the soil) I could teach basic martial arts and branching off of that, swordplay and the like.

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To be really honest, I would want to live in any previous time except for the one I live in now. Hippies are cool, early 20th century was cool, 80s were cool, medieval was cool, egyptian shit was cool, roman shit was cool, but nowadays, what do we have now? internet, yay

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  • 4 weeks later...

To be really honest, I would want to live in any previous time except for the one I live in now. Hippies are cool, early 20th century was cool, 80s were cool, medieval was cool, egyptian shit was cool, roman shit was cool, but nowadays, what do we have now? internet, yay

WE HAVE RUNESCAPE!!!My opinion on this topicI actually agree, love the Renaissance Time Period, love the middle ages (medieval), ancient roman/greeco time. I don't why I like it so much but I just do. I listen to epic music (scores from movies/games) and pretend I'm going to war and everyone is my enemy :D yeah but i know what you mean...I guess that's why I like History so much. I love war movies and movies based on these time periods.On another note you might want to check out a game called runescape (you can live you fantasies there)
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WE HAVE RUNESCAPE!!!My opinion on this topicI actually agree, love the Renaissance Time Period, love the middle ages (medieval), ancient roman/greeco time. I don't why I like it so much but I just do. I listen to epic music (scores from movies/games) and pretend I'm going to war and everyone is my enemy :D yeah but i know what you mean...I guess that's why I like History so much. I love war movies and movies based on these time periods.On another note you might want to check out a game called runescape (you can live you fantasies there)

Meh too unrealistic to be taken seriously if you ask me :P
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One thing to note, medieval europe: local butcher/barber/doctor. treatments with leaches, bleeding, most people died rnd 30, death durring child births, death of dearhea, the plague, paris france was known as one of the worst smelling places, most people threw away their sewage and garbage in the streets. The origin of "piss poor" was when peoplle would sell their piss to tanners so they could have some form of income. Just saying.

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Though i have to admit I have thought about it before, and I would love to have lived durring China's Romance of The Three Kingdoms Era, but i couldnt give up cars. I love drifting and racing too much, so much that if I get pulled over one more time I'd lose my license and would probably get arrested lol.

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