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So Skyrim, and pretty much every game by Bethesda, is infamous for being a bit glitchy. This opens the door for some pretty weird moments that, looking back now, were actually kind of hilarious. So what are some of yours.Here are 3 of my favorites.1. I was in the Gray Mare when Delphine just busted in the tavern and tried to kill me. Worse yet, the guards helped her. Even worse, some random civilian tried to help me, but the guards snuffed him out. She also tried to kill me prior to Diplomatic Immunity.2. I heard the Dragon encounter music and started freaking out as I could hear him flying and breathing frost. Even though I could hear it and see a red dot, I couldn't find it. After looking around for a minute, I saw some Imperials shooting at something with arrows, but there wasn't anything there. For some reason the Dragon was invisible. I still killed it and absorbed it's soul.3. Some random NPC in Whiterun had three copies of him. They spoke in unison like some kind of medieval barber shop quartet.

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So today I was exploring a cave. After reaching the end after an hour or so, I started to fight the area "boss." It was a falmer something or other. After dispatching him rather easily, I turned around... Just in time to see one of the Dwemer giant Dynamo things bring its metal club of death right onto my head. It was a one-hit KO since I never bothered to heal from my encounter with the Falmer.Anyways, I reloaded an autosave, went back, and finished the cave. After I left, I realized my prized thralls had disappeared. Since I had spent so much time fucking around and not paying attention, I only had one autosave that was from before I left the cave. I reloaded it, and sadly they STILL weren't with me. This was quite tragic, and I nearly rage quit... However, for some reason I accidentally went backwards one load screen into the cave I was previously at. As soon as it stopped loading, I saw my two thralls fighting. As soon as I approached them, they both turned and started hammering the hell out of me; I quickly turned the difficulty down (didn't want to risk dying and losing them permanently, they're seriously tough SOB's) and killed them so I could re-capture them like the pokemon bitches they are. =')

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  • 9 months later...

WEIRDEST MOMENT?  the dog encounter when you have to take him back to his master or kill him.  scenario?   me just walking along minding my own business when all of a sudden music plays and i here  "your just what i was looking for"  so what does any self respecting  self proclaimed ninja of skyrim do?  draw my weapon and run around slashing at the air trying find who dare speak to me out of turn.  (all this time being chase by this ungodly mutt.)  then with a giant slash i hit him and and he proceeds to talk to me.  i cannot express this enough.  dogs dont talk. so weird 

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