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Recruiting Campaign


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So this is an idea that has come up and has been floating around for a while. I thing it's time to put some effort into planning it.

Please leave any form of suggestions and preferred time/dates/worlds/ideal spots to have this event.



GMT Time (GMT) - 8-9PM or 9-10PM

Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) - 4-5PM or 5-6PM

Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) - 3-4PM or 4-5PM

Central Time (GMT -6:00) - 2-3PM or 3-4PM

Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) - 1-2PM or 2-3PM

Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) - 12-1PM or 1-2PM

Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) - 11AM-12PM or 12-1PM

Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) - 10-11AM (Midday) or 11AM-12PM

Might be a two hour event


[*]March 2 (cancelled)

[*]March 3 (cancelled)

[*]March 18 (maybe depending on people online) (cancelled)

[*]March 30 (happened)

[*]March 31 (happened)

[*]April 1 (happened)

[*]Dates TBA (To Be Announced)


[*]World 1?

[*]World 2?

[*]World 50

[*]High Traffic Worlds

Ideal Spots

[*]Grand Exchange (F2P & P2P)

[*]FFA World 50 (F2P)

[*]Gamers Groto (F2P & P2P)

[*]Castle Wars (P2P)

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So I'm assuming this is just going to be an event where all of us gather and recruit like mad in-game? And bring vexiliums + clan cloaks? :P

It's exactly that xD (actually I forgot about that post I made but yeah :P)I'm suggesting that we hold this event on a Friday in March so.. 2nd, 9th, or 16th (if you want we can possibly do two days)BTW how many people can have the vexillum? Is there a set limit to who can carry them or certain ranks?
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:'( why so late? Anyways, what are we going to do, to be honest? Just mass and hope people are interested?

Yeah basically mass and just hope people join also talk to people personally or try to get them into a friends chat where we can inform them all at once, also why not start an online campaign on the fansites, and get people to bump everyday, unless we're already doing this atm and I'm not aware
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Depending on how my team does this Sunday I might be able to make it.

Alright sounds good, umm see if you can get anyone else to come.EDIT 11:17PM 24/02/12So I got the clan cloak and vexillum so silver start and up can get the vexillum from what I know not to sure about lower ranks..
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I think we should rather focus on pulling people than caring about what clothes to wear ;p I won't be there if it's at 11 pm - 00am (my timezone), because I get out of bed 5am (my timezone)

dates have been changed to Saturdays and time has been changed so everything is 2 hours back
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I guess so. Is this starting at 8 or 9? I should be able to make 9, but not sure.

Clan cloak/vexillum has been updated to a pretty bright green, which looks nice, thanks to Anarchy/Constanci0. :)

With the updating of that, and the re-opening of our citadel, we decided to leave off this until next week, so be sure to be there!

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