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Events System


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Considering we are lacking an event team greatly, say hello to our new events system.

Monday: Boss Hunting Night

Tuesday: Mini-games Night

Wednesday: Dungeoneering Night

Thursday: Wildy PKing for fun!

Friday: Weekly Clan Wars

First of all, I would like to point out that Saturday and Sunday are free of events. I'm open to filling them with suggestions if needs be. Both days can also be used as an opportunity to host your own events.

Now, as you can see, each of the days have their own "theme" of events - for whoever turns up to each event, can decide what they want to actual event to be. For example, if it were a Monday night, they could decide which boss to fight. On a Wednesday, it would be a choice between F2P and P2P Dung. You get the idea.

Now, onto the times. All the times are negotiable, so please, if you want a change in times, just ask - after all, we want the highest attendance as possible for events. So I'll just put down a time for all events firstly.



GMT Time (GMT) - 10PM

Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) - 6PM

Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) - 5PM

Central Time (GMT -6:00) - 4PM

Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) - 3PM

Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) - 2PM

Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) - 1PM

Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) - 12PM (Midday)

If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter

1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:"

2. Set the date to that of the event.

3. Set the time to that of the event.

4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".


I'm free to all suggestions on improving this, so please do post if you have ideas!

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Oh me and my laziness...Before I actually start this (yes, fail), but what are people's thoughts about this? Is it a good idea or not? Because I can't see any Events Team coming together that actually will make and host events.

this is actually a good idea since there is no event team ATM...this should hold until one forms and then I guess from there we can choose to keep it or scrap it or even keep some of the days....like in the past we always had the weekly clan wars on Friday nights
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Okay, anyone feel like stepping up and running this? Anarchy perhaps? ;)I have had a bad experience with running events in the past...

sadly to say I haven't done some of those events x_xlike boss hunting I've always met up with other clanmates and followed them not remembering how to get places...i've never played mini-games in rsI haven't even started Dungeoneering... :/ (i want someone to teach me the ways of dungeonerring (:Pking I willing to give it a shot, can't say it will go well in my favour xD i'll most likely get picked off first x_xAnd Clan Wars i've done it a bunch of times but where it comes to killing people I barely do any damage but im willing to give it a shot
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Perhaps we should set up a "team" that make sure the planned events happen, like an Events Team, just instead of making events, you... yeah.

That's a bad idea, so who else can run it? aside for me cause i'd need someone to cover for me Monday (get home around 10:30pm EST), Tuesday (9:30pm EST), Thursday (8:30pm EST)..If you want we can move something to Saturday like Boss Hunting
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By team, I meant a few people who volunteer for this, not some official rank, so honestly, I don't see how it's a bad idea considering everyone who said they'd help also said they can't make some of the events due to work etc.And sure, whatever days suit best. (@Boss Hunting on Saturdays)

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The funny thing is, I have had a long time of P2P in my RS time, just I've nearly paid for any of it. Almost all of it was just free out of the kindness of their hearth, one I did pay for in gp though.So I don't know. I have no way of getting P2P without using the PayBySMS option, which is €10 credit, so no. Lmao.

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its only 8,50 fergal :) or 7.50? no i think 8.50Im not sure how many people play on a regular Saturday evening? I think having an event planned every day is more than this clan can handle right now. Starting with at least 1 steady boss hunt night per week would be a good first step to be honest. I'm not sure Saturday is a good day? I go out on Saturdays, so its a no-go for me, but if there are others?

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