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Dy3nasty666's Random fact of the day!


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so for the rest of 2012 im going to post a random fact here each day for the rest of 2012 just for fun and activity.

Week 1 Jan 1st. Astronauts witness 15 sunrises and sunsets each day!The space station orbits about 220 miles above earth at over 17,000 mph. Its only takes the station 92 minutes to orbit the earth completely!

Week 1 Jan 2nd. Peacocks aren't a separate species! A peacock is actually a male Indian Peafowl, while the femal is a peahen. The male is decorated to brightly to attract mates

Week 1. Jan 3rd Its Illegal for a prisoner to vote, however in the United States they can run for president!

Week 1. Jan 4th- Moutain dew turns mice into jelly! A man tried to sue pepsi for finding a mouse in his mountain dew and pepsi avoided it by saying it turns mice into jello!.

Week 1. JAN 5TH. A small Nuclear war can reduce the effects of global warming for up to 7 years!.

Week 1. Jan 6th. Stomach acid can dissolve razor blades!

Week 1. Jan 7th. There are over 218 MILLION children working in sweatshops! That wraps up week one. Thanks for keeping up!

Week 2. Jan 8th. Ash Ketchum has only caught 40 of the 649 pokemon!!

week 2. jan 9th. A brazalian rite of passage includes putting on gloves filled with bullet ants!

Week 2. Jan 10th. Wrigleys gum started as a freebi given away with baking soda!

Week 2. Jan 11th. Nazis tried to teach dogs to read speak and spell in WWII

week 2, Jan 12th. After 15 seasons of the Bachelor, not one of them is still in a relationship with the female winner!

week 2. Jan 13th Donita sparks puled out her tampon and threw it into the crowd at her concert!

week 2. Jan 14th. The western Black rhino has offically gone extinct. O Noes! Week two is done.

Week 3. Jan 15th. A woman jumped off the effiel tower and landed on a car. She later went on to marry the car owner!

week 3. Jan 16th. In switzerland a person can grow up to 4 marijuana plants legally

week 3. jan 17th. M&m's were inspidered during the civil war!

week 3. Jan 18th. There is only one recorded instance of a person being hit by a metiorite.

week 3 Jan 19th. Haiti is using public washrooms to revive the countrys soil!

week 3. Jan 20th Theres a $10,000 reward for anyone who finds a mate for a lonely turtle

week 3, Jan 21th. The word muggle used to be slang for for Marijuana in the 1920's

week 4. Jan 22th A Russian women gave birth to 69 people in the 1700's!

week 4. Jan 23rd Before the Black slave trade, White men were taken as slaves into Africa!

Week 4. Jan 24th Despite being a fan of movies, Joseph Stalin ordered the assaniation of John Wayne!

Week 4. Jan 25h.The number of roses you give someone actually means something!

Week 4. Jan 26th A man built the exact replica from the movie up! and the house is worth over $400,000!

Week 4. Jan 27th Theres a park in Austria thats 10 meters deep in water during the summer!

Week 4. Jan 28th Not having friends reduces your life span by the same amount as smoking 15 cigarets aday!

Week 4. Jan 29th Nasa found a planet with water and dolphin like creatures on it! proof. http://blogs.voanews.com/science-world/2011/12/09/human-like-life-could-exist-on-newly-discovered-planet/

week 5. Jan 30th The voice for Goku on Dragon ball Z once passed out while recording a scream in the studio

Week 5 Jan 31st Scientists estimate that you will fall in love 7 times before you get married!

Thats All the month of january thanks for keeping up -_-

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