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The Rebelz: The Gaming Forum


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Blexun already made a topic with the same idea (http://therebelz.inv...ding-our-reach/) but this is the real topic.


We are planning to convert our forums into a gaming forum like thenexusforums.com. So in these forums, there will (probably) be a category for The RuneScape Rebelz, inside this category will be our current forums on a shorter scale. Then there will be like another category, and inside that category will be forums for Skyrim and other games. All this will probably happen of the Christmas break - we are basically turning into a gaming forum with a strong focus on TRR, just to keep the legendary clan going.

Notice how in The Nexus Forum, when I click on the Skyrim forum under the "Nexus site forums" category, it takes me to a completely different set of forums like what ours look like now. (http://www.thenexusf...us-site-forums/ Select a Forum!)

What I want everyone to do now is list whatever games you think are suitable to be added - we may also need a new name for the forum as "The Rebelz" isn't exactly the best name for a gaming forum. Ideas for games are like Skyrim, RS etc.

- Current Game List -



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It would be cool to have the name something related to RPG games (probably the main focus). Notice how thenexusforums references the "Nexus" in Dark/Demons Souls (and probably other games). The Nexus is essentially the "central point" used to travel to other worlds in that game. It's a cool metaphor for how their forum links to several different gaming forums.Tbh, when they came up with that name they probably didn't even think that deeply into it. But it would be cool if we could come up with something similar.

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I have a couple ideas of popular game mechanics that we could use as our name.Exploding Barrelz: You love us and you hate us. It all depends on how close you are.Regenerating Health Barz: We are nice to have around, but when the going gets tough, we don't work fast enough.Big Breasted Women: Our eyes are up here.Load Screenz: When you see us, you'll shit bricks.End Boss: Once you encounter us, you'll be disappointed. But seriously, Skyrim is the only game that I have that is newer and people would actually want to discuss.

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I'm seriously wondering how we'll even pull this of Traggy.I was thinking today - What's the point? I just can't see people wanting to join a forum that isn't very active (when you take into consideration how active gaming boards such as The Nexus Forums. I don't see what we are gaining out of this - the forums will no longer be focused on TRR; we'll need a new forum name (and domain); it will take a lot of work even to get the forum organised, not a mind how hard it will be to recruit. Etc.Maybe it could work, but in all seriousness, do we have a chance, are we just wasting our time and effort?

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There's not much of a future as a RuneScape clan, I'm sorry to say that but it's true.We could continue as a small RuneScape clan indefinitely and be perfectly fine. This change could very well kill the community, but I don't think that chance is any larger than if we continue as we are.In short, we may as well take the big risk and hope for a decent payoff.If we grow large enough, we won't have to ever recruit. Communities should grow off of searches for answers - things like character builds, game tips, etc. all in the forum of threads. Yes, this forum is relatively inactive now. We have at least 20 forum posters though, and that can exponentially rise. It's not like we're starting out from scratch.The angle I'm taking for this is simple - a great number of our forum users (hell, most of them) don't even play RuneScape anymore, yet they continue to use the forum. We may as well try to channel that into something that can sustain what we've started here, even if it's not in the same form.My ultimate goal should we take this route would be to have a LARGE, self-sustaining community driven by adsense/donations. We're self-sustaining now technically, but that consists of me badgering the same 2-3 poor bleeding heart members (Blue) every month for a couple bucks.

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Mhm, I understand that, and I know that if we pull this off, it will be a complete success for gaining activity for the clan. However, wouldn't it be kind of hard to show our activity to other clans (looking for a war or someone looking to join).If we have an IP Board license, we can only have one board or whatever, yeah? I'm just wondering if it is possible to have multible boards for the same price under one domain, so we have CLEARLY make sure TRR is reconised on the gaming forums, but still have our own place - our own statistics, awards, forum header.When people look at a gaming site, do they see a gaming site that may have nothing to do with RS, or a clan?Just trying to see how this will pan out.

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Yes, we could have multiple boards under one domain. But to do that, we'd buy/rent another IPB license and then just have one board link to another. They wouldn't really be the same community and the accounts wouldn't be linked.There are two options here.1. TRR turns into the gaming community and the RuneScape aspect of the gaming community is relegated to one sub-forum. All TRR/RuneScape Clan specific stats for posting/accounts/awards/etc are lost.2. We create a completely new board and everything and whoever from TRR who wants to join that one can register a new account. We would have no posts, members, or anything and would be starting from scratch. The gaming community would have no subforum for RuneScape, but could link to TRR's separate site/boards. I don't think this would work since we would have none of the advantages of having a pre-existing community there. It could still be done, but yeah.

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That wasn't particularly what I meat - I was asking if the second board would be free if it was the same license + domain. But yeah. IP Board costs a lot (can we afford it?) so the second option is kinda out of the way.Idk, it just seems as if you are unable to see our activity, and so would others outside of TRR. Hell, the "Active Topics" page wouldn't help for finding TRR related threads since there would be so much for the other games. Lol.

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Well, if this turns out well and we get more recruits and our activity goes way up, they will be declaring. And we will be declaring which means they will be checking out our activity.I'm just paranoid that the bottom is going to fall out of this. Whatever, doesn't matter.Anyway, Skyrim seems to be good - anything else?

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1. Read the post. This is an important topic.2. Making a "gaming" forum would be easier to get recruits for but where do you advertise such a thing?3. League of Legends.4. Team Fortress 2 server.--I was always looking into making walkthroughs and shit but never got around to it. I still have all the video editing stuff if you would need it for such a thing. Honestly, I can see a Skyrim board going places. RPG style games just allow for better discussion than some dead beat game that nobody plays anymore.

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He's alive...And it won't be easy to get recruits for... Ive known people setting up these forums and giving away prizes, they always die.I for one lie what were doing now, be nice to have a few new members but lets not give up yet. After all it would still just be us posting on the gaming forums. Let's look at reality if your actually thinking about this.

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hopefully we wont be staying like this. If youve read the other posts you will know about RCW, which I did some research in, SB set up in febuary and now they have 30+ people in there cc at all times and 40+ people visiting there external forums with even more using the RS Internal forums.If were low on cash I would be happy to help bump it up, I already pay the subsciption towards it, after all its what 10$ a month?

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I strongly suggest we try the Rated Clan Wars (RCW) idea before jumping into this. Because after all, the ONLY reason we are giving this a shot is to get recruits, and it's a huge hassle so... if RCW works, we get recruits, we're fine. The whole idea of a gaming forum is unnecessary for a RuneScape clan if unless we are in dire need of forum activity/recruits.RCW is MUCH easier - way easier to recruit, much more fun, have more of a chance of working; the gaming forum could go down hill straight away if people don't join. It's also a lot less work because going to the trouble of reorganizing the forums etc could take awhile.Oh and any of the ideas backfire and we need to get back to the way we are right now, RCW is much easier to abandon. AND RCW means people who want to war, which means if we ever get back into warring normally in regular Clan Wars, we will have the people who actually KNOW how to war and WANT to war.-Damn Brad beat me!-

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I don't think you guys understand why this is being proposed. This isn't to make the RuneScape clan better, it's to diversify to other things and focus less on RuneScape. It's not about getting more members for TRR, it's about getting more members for the forum.That said, I'm fine if you wish to try the RCW idea, but we need to get going on it because I want to start some new communities either way. It's a matter of whether or not TRR is going to be included, not if it happens or not.

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What. Why are we even doing this if it's only to gain more forum members? Why do you care about the activity of the forum if it isn't TRR - I thought you said something like the reasoning behind it was to get more members and not have to recruit anymore.If this is going to be less focus on RS then TRR (not the forum, the clan) will be in a worse state than now and eventually TRR goes bye. Don't expect everyone to stay and post about Skyrim all day or something, not me anyway. Lol.

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Hm, basically:Traaginen wants to diversify the forums and get more members overall by the means of a 'gaming forum', (which will be hard to establish, like really hard in my oppinion)Fergal and Brad (and others IDK and IDC) want to focus on RS recruiting by the means of 'rated clan wars', (which could actually work if we put some effort in it, I see big things happening if this succeeds, daily RCW if we get enough people in the future)whats the big fuss about? we could try both, if the gaming forums fails, fuck it, we're still TRR, if RCW fails, we could try recruiting RS members with a different method or try RCW some other time.

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