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Guess I'd better post this now...


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TRR and its members have come a long way over the 3 years of its existence. Friendships have blossomed through the game, IRC, and the forums. TRR members have always confided in one another; details they'd seldom dare to share with many of their friends in real life. Girl/boyfriend issues, family hardships, and other difficult life-altering troubles have all been vented on these boards over time. A real sense of community and belonging has always persisted here, and for that, I'm thankful. It has achieved everything I had ever hoped it would, and much more beyond the game of RuneScape. It amazes me when I think about what a bunch of kids/teenagers/young adults have built here over the years. We've helped each other through a lot, and many of us have been able to witness the personal growth that's happened in each member over the years. Yes, there have been hard times in-clan and in real life for each of us; fortunately, the clan's community was generally the only constant that anyone could count on. Much of the past has consisted of laughter; when it hasn't, the place always managed to pull together.Recently, it's become apparent that neither RuneScape nor TRR's aging core of members is going to continue maintaining positive growth. When the game itself begins to show its age, the RuneScape-dependent communities can only follow suit.After over 3 years of sustained success, I've decided that it may be in our best interest to close TRR.I don't plan to renew the boards on December 4th.Many of you may not understand why I've come to the decision. Over the last few months, school has once again taken the usual activity toll on our clan. I have no doubts that TRR could/can easily overcome this, just as it always has. However, there comes a time when you need to move on and focus your energy elsewhere. The majority of our old members who have (and still are) running the clan no longer play RuneScape, or at the very least aren't active with it.There's still at least 1 week left before our invoice is due. Take the time to do what you will; say your good-byes, record old posts, take down your friends RSN's. If you wish to sway this decision, by all means, post your reasons here. However, understand that ultimately everything has to come to an end sometime.If you guys wish to continue, I have no problems with that. But, new members need to step-up. The only non-ancient member to take on leadership roles recently is Brad.

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Sigh, I'm not even going to bother arguing to be honest, it won't change anything.

Damn. The memories. So many fucking memories of Summer '10. I still have an old folder of event pics I took for reflections, damn there's a lot.

Fuck. I just realised I'll never beat Delly to Clan Leader now! NOES.

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Yer, I know that. But RS Clans are dying, everyone even outside of TRR know that, so trying to get a clan like this back on track is impossible considering the big clans are even dying somewhat.I'm just saying that if this clan is to be closed down, I'm off to a warring clan. I'd LOVE to see TRR get out of this mess and get back on track to what we used to be before, the older days of TRR, pulling amazinely high for a community clan.By all means, I'll stay to help TRR, but if it goes, I'm gone until such a time as TRR is back.

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It's not impossible. Clans are dying because they're doing the same things that worked before Jagex updated RuneScape to include the in-game clan system. Tthe same old things aren't going to work as well anymore. The real clans need to re-invent themselves with new ideas to become as successful as they once were; thus far, that hasn't happened.TRR will/would be fine if we continue exactly as is. This isn't a matter of TRR actually dying. What I'm saying is that by continuing as is - exactly as we are right now - we will NEVER find the grand success we did in the past. Is this worth it?This thread brings multiple questions to the table. 1) If you want to continue as the clan is now without new members stepping up or not.2) Step up and re-invent clanning/TRR; possibly reach old success.3) Otherwise, close the clan and end up at a new clan that's even worse (either now or a month down the road) than we are now.

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Yer, I know that. But RS Clans are dying, everyone even outside of TRR know that, so trying to get a clan like this back on track is impossible considering the big clans are even dying somewhat.I'm just saying that if this clan is to be closed down, I'm off to a warring clan. I'd LOVE to see TRR get out of this mess and get back on track to what we used to be before, the older days of TRR, pulling amazinely high for a community clan.By all means, I'll stay to help TRR, but if it goes, I'm gone until such a time as TRR is back.

This, except for the part about warring clans
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