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Coffee4Godot's Goals and Achivements


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Hey guys for those who remembered, last summer (for me atleast) I had a questing blog. From which, I achieved the quest cape, my first and only achievement cape, but since then more quests have came out and now I shall do them or die trying.

As of now, there are 6 new quests. 2 of which I can do now and the other need training of certain skills, mining and agility is particular.

Edit: Four down, two to go!

Levels needed -

65 summoning (59)

74 smithing (71)

76 crafting (71)

77 agility (71)

74 thieving (71)

I still have some of the images from my old blog and I shall keep them here....

The Void Stares Back -

Posted Image

Wgs -

Posted Image

Nomad -

Posted Image

1600 Total -

Posted Image

1700 Total -

Posted Image

1800 Total -

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