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Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings

Brodo Swaggins

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I'm impressed that they are even letting us know what is happening. The fact that RSBuddy is turning into a fan site shows how well Jagex did on the bot neutralizing. @Brad, they said that they have been completely lawful and that RSBots is just trying to make their users happy.

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RSBuddy closed because they had a quiet word with Jacmob about it at Runefest and I believe they have offered him a job in development "/ listened to an interview with him on ytYes but RSBot posted a PDF copy of the lawsuit onto there forums either way it's tug and go. They could both be luring to keep good face

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I'm glad for the game but still annoyed at jagex... I think they should of compensated us somehow even if it was just a shitty emote, but it took like 6yrs to sort out bots? I mean seriously.

The week of bonues (3x slayer xp, 3x zeal, etc) and this weekend of Double Loot and Double Dungeoneering xp doesn't count?
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IMO it's there fault it is the way it is. They got rid of Pkin and staking? 2 MAJOR parts of the game for most people. A lot of people quit including me "/ then the Market got fucked over because of those statues. ALL BECAUSE JAGEX DIDN'T LISTEN.That's just my opinion they ruined there own game trying to get rid of RWT which wasn't really a major problem...

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RWT was a real problem because it created a market for professional gold-farmers most of which used stolen creditcards to purchase membership.Refunding those memberships cost Jagex a LOT of money which might've bankrupted them if they continued like that.If that were the case Runescape might not even have existed anymore by now...The biggest mistake they ever made in my opinion was bringing free trade back without being able to hold off bots.I'm glad they're working well on that problem now, even if it took them this long.

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The biggest mistake they ever made in my opinion was bringing free trade back without being able to hold off bots.I'm glad they're working well on that problem now, even if it took them this long.

I agree, but at the same time though, I would imagine bringing it back did greatly increase bot activity, probably giving them a better idea of what bots are out there and how to counter them.
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