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Huygens' pursuit of epicness


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Hey there,

Thanks for reading my G&A. I will use this thread to keep track of my achievements and hopefully it will keep me motivated!

Feel free to post anything in this thread

Table of content:

1. About me

2. Stats

3. Goals

1. About me

Ive been playing RS on and off for the last 6 years? Not sure lol, I take breaks regularly to keep the game exciting, I hate grinding. Whenever I play RS I mainly do some slayer, basic skilling or money making. This is what I enjoy, and I play RS to enjoy the game. I joined this clan because I wanted to be part of a community, I have no intentions of attending events (I will attend wars if I can make it), but Im mainly here for the chat/forum

2. Stats

Same as in my signature:

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3. Goals

I want to get all my skills to 65.

Skills left:

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I also want to max out my combat eventually, already have 99 att and strength.

First I want 90 in all combat skills, then max out.


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All progress and kewl stuff will be posted here

Prepare for epicness!

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  • 4 weeks later...

GSUS totally forgot about this thread, anyways since my gaming computer died i lost all screenies there, so just a few screenies I got on my laptop recently:

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Jadinko task, pretty boring but decent loot

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Jagex is doing an amazing job on the graphics, even on my laptop (which I normally only use for school)

Pretty boring quest tho..runehq.com said it was a short quest, still took me 90ish minutes to read every conversation and stuff...

Up next: spending some cash on 65 construction ;)

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Ok, got an agility lvl as well from troll invasion and peng hunting but the screenie is on my laptop and since ive just got my gaming computer back Ill only be playing RS on this computer :o

Got this as well:

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Just one more lvl till RC is officially my lowest skill :P

Im quite enjoying hunter tbh so I guess ill be going till 66 for spottier cape (thats 66 right?)

So my quest of getting everything 65 is going quite well actually, quite enjoying it, except for dungeoneering, god I hate that skill....

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