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The Ranking System - Explained


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Posted ImageFounder - This is the Founder of TRR (v2?), Traaginen. Simple as that.

Posted ImageClan Leader - Self-explanatory; this is the member(s) that run and leader the clan, making sure everyone is doing their job and the clan is running smoothly.

Posted ImageHigh Council - Exactly the same as a Council member, but a High Council member can accept people to the clan, and can kick Council members, think of it as a Co-Leader nearly. High Council Members are voted into the position from Council by the members of TRR, making this such an honorable position.

Posted ImageCouncil - The Council is a group of people who help the Clan Leaders run the clan and have their say in decisions made by the Staff, such as Promotions.

Posted ImageWarlord - The Warlord of the clan is the person responsible for finding TRR wars and leader wars & practices. A Warlord must be experienced at warring, and know what they are doing.

Posted ImageModerator - A Moderator a member who moderates the Forum with the privileges of being able to control topics (Ability to close, pin ect). Moderators also have a Half-op in the IRC and a kicking rank in the Clan Chat to deal with spamming, fighting, trolling ect by kicking or banning the member.

Posted ImageDiplomat - Diplomats are like recruiters. In order to keep their job, they must activity recruit members (from fansites, in-game or friends) and bump our recruitment topics.

Posted ImageEvent Coordinator - Event Coordinators are the people who make the events ye attend. Of course, members can also create events, but the Events Team is here to make sure that there is a solid number of events each week, to keep up activity and members' interest. Each EC must create at least 1 event per week to keep their job.

Posted ImageMedia Architect - These guys make Clan Graphics, and stuff like that. Each Media Architect should have a good understanding of Photoshop/GIMP.

Posted ImageExemplary Rebel - Exemplary Rebels are members who have donated to TRR. They get a lot of extras, listed HERE.

Posted ImageEstablished Rebel - These Rebels are your oldies of the clan, kinda. Posted Image Demoted Staff also receive this rank.

Posted ImageRebel - A regular member of TRR.

Posted ImageCommunity Member - Members of our extended community, not members of TRR. This rank acts as a Clan Friend rank too.

Posted ImageAwaiting Email Validation - Newly registered users that haven't yet validated their account via email. Once done, members are placed into the Community Member group.
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Here is just a little quick summary on each one on top of what Fergal said. Every rank plays its role.   Diplomats- They are the chief recruiters of the clan. They make it so we can have a fresh stream of new rebels in our clan so that fresh faces are always present at events and clan gatherings. Without them, our clan would have no members!  Events Coordinators- They plan events. They make it so you all have a fun time with your stay at the Rebels. They make an impression on the new members showing them that we are a great clan and you should totally join.Diplomats and EC's work together in making events that can also recruit people into our clan.   Moderators- These are the old Council members who usually step down from their position but want to remain in the clan. These people are the ones who scan the forums making sure everything is in working order and that everyone is upholding the rules of the forums. They still have responsibility but not as much.   Council members are like a mixed treat bag. They do a little of everything and are the glue for the clan. They make sure that the clan leaders are satisfied and are the faces of the clan. They take your complaints, and turn them into a working machine. They make sure that clan members get along and that the clan is running smoothly.   High Council- Just another step closer towards the clan leader rank from the Council rank. The High Council is usually a person of the Council who has been very active in their duties. High Council is voted on and is a real honor for all those who have achieved it. They do the same things as Council members but also work much closer with the Clan Leaders to help connect the Clan Leaders to the Council.   Clan leaders are the engines for the clan. They keep it running from backstage and occasionally pop their head out and ask how things are going. They are the true driving force for the clan and are always there for help. They work in conjunction with any other rank. It takes many years with the clan and dedication to achieve the title of Clan Leader and only those worthy enough are awarded the title.   Founder - Traaginen. He was the one who founded the clan, he is the only one who gets the title. Enough said.

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<div align="center"><img src="http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4127/ranksy.png" /></div><br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=4' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7489/adminzz.png" /><font color="#00a9cd"><b>Founder</b></font></a> - This is the Founder of TRR, Traaginen. ALSO ILLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple as that.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=11' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/nfs8c8.jpg" /><font color="#ffc618"><b>Clan Leader</b></font></a> - Self-explanatory; This is the member(s) that runs and leader the clan, making sure everyone is doing their job and the clan is running smoothly.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=8' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n555/Traaginen/HighCouncil.gif" /><font color="silver"><b>High Council</b></font></a> - Exactly the same as a Council member, but a High Council member can accept people to the clan, and can kick Council members, think of it as a Co-Leader nearly.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=7' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n555/Traaginen/Council.gif" /><font color="steelblue"><b>Council</b></font></a> - The Council is a group of people who help the Clan Leaders run the clan and have their say in decisions made by the Staff, such as Promotions.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=16' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n555/Traaginen/Warlord.gif" /><font color="#ddc2aa"><b>Warlord</b></font></a> - The Warlord of the clan is the person responsible for finding TRR wars and leader wars &amp; practices. A Warlord must be experienced at warring, and know what they are doing.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=6' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/8968/ftf2xj.gif" /><font color="gray"><b>Moderator</b></font></a> - A Moderator a member who moderates the Forum with the privileges of being able to control topics (Ability to close, pin ect). Moderators also have a Half-op in the IRC and a kicking rank in the Clan Chat to deal with spamming, fighting, trolling ect by kicking or banning the member.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=13' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/4325/45959829.gif" /><font color="#a34f2e"><b>Diplomat</b></font></a> - Diplomats are like recruiters. In order to keep their job, they must activity recruit members (from fansites, in-game or friends) and bump our recruitment topics.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=10' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4055/bountyhunter.gif" /><font color="#3e4e5d"><b>Event Coordinator</b></font></a> - Event Coordinators are the people who make the events ye attend. Of course, members can also create events, but the Events Team is here to make sure that there is a solid number of events each week, to keep up activity and members' interest. Each EC must create at least 1 event per week to keep their job.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=18' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/skinground-venom/gallery/ecard.png" /><font color="#b55b58"><b>Media Architect</b></font></a> - These guys make Clan Graphics, and stuff like that. Each Media Architect should have a good understanding of Photoshop/GIMP.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=15' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3665/skullswords.gif" /><font color="#000000"><b>Exemplary Rebel</b></font></a> - Exemplary Rebels are members who have donated to TRR. They get a lot of extras, listed <a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=subscriptions' class='bbc_url' title=''>HERE</a>.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=14' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4504/waraq0.gif" /><font color="#c3b8b2"><b>Established Rebel</b></font></a> - These Rebels are your oldies of the clan, kinda. <img src='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />' /> Demoted Staff also receive this rank.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=17' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/5295/eventsteam.gif" /><font color="#bfac8c"><b>Rebel</b></font></a> - A regular member of TRR.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=3' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/skinground-venom/user.png" /><font color="#6cc7fe"><b>Community Member</b></font></a> - Members of our extended community, not members of TRR. Clan Friends get this rank.<br /><br /><a href='http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=members&amp;section=view&amp;module=list&amp;filter=1' class='bbc_url' title=''><img src="http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/skinground-venom/email.png" /><font color="#84ab65"><b>Awaiting Email Validation</b></font></a> - Newly registered users that haven't yet validated their account via email. Once done, members are placed into the Community Member group.

Lol...Nice edit Ferg. xDThere's a bug in the custom layout which makes the html code show in the edit window.If you edit the post without removing it it'll appear in the post.Edit it again and all the html code will be translated into html code itself so it's a bit of an exponential problem... :PI suggest using the standard IP.Board layout as it does not have that bug.
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Edit: Okay, fixed it, thank god I saved this in Notepad beforehand for some reason. xD

Since I didn't edit it, someone must have, and probably added some more stuff, so ye can point that out to me instead of ruining the post. :P

And David, it wouldn't hurt to pin the TS3 Guide. ;)

Might add some more info later.

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  • 4 months later...

Need to relate this to the cc ranks now ferg "/

I agree with Brad maybe add the CC ranks aside the ranks.

Fergal and I were speaking about this today ironically and we basically came to a rough layout...it might be the final layout

Posted Image Recruit - Normal Rebel Member

Posted Image Corporal - Exemplary & Established Rebels

Posted Image Sergeant - Event Cooridinator & Media Architect (maybe Established Rebel)

Posted Image Lieutenant - Diplomats & Moderator

Posted Image Captain - Council & Warlord

Posted Image General - High Council

Posted ImageAdmin - ?

Posted ImageOrganiser - ?

Posted ImageCoordinator - ?

Posted ImageOverseer - ?

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

Posted Image Clan wars leader - Warlord, Clan Leader, & Council (including HC)

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Runehead is actually going to be useful for you guys now that we've merged, since you'll need to keep track of ranks. I can also make member groups with different icons indicating ranks as well for the forums (e.g. Posted Image ).

As far as the team planning forums, we could just use forum passwords. Or again, have separate member groups that just look the same.

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I agree with Brad maybe add the CC ranks aside the ranks.

Fergal and I were speaking about this today ironically and we basically came to a rough layout...it might be the final layout

Posted Image Recruit - Normal Rebel Member

Posted Image Corporal - Exemplary & Established Rebels

Posted Image Sergeant - Event Cooridinator & Media Architect (maybe Established Rebel)

Posted Image Lieutenant - Diplomats & Moderator

Posted Image Captain - Council & Warlord

Posted Image General - High Council

Posted ImageAdmin - ?

Posted ImageOrganiser - ?

Posted ImageCoordinator - ?

Posted ImageOverseer - ?

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

Posted Image Clan wars leader - Warlord, Clan Leader, & Council (including HC)

First of all, Recruit has to be in-game recruits of people that aren't official TRR members on the forums. So Corporal would be a Rebel Member.

The old ranking system, before all the Admin, Owner ranks etc came with the new CC worked well. If we just bumped every rank up by one leaving the Recruit rank open to in-game recruits.

Recruit - In-game recruits / Clan Friends

Corporal - Regular Members of TRR

Sergeant - Established / Exemplary Rebels

Lieutenant - EC / Diplomat / CC Moderator

Captain - Council / Warlord

General - High Council

Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Owner - Founder

Considering these aren't full time moderators and are only CC mods, sharing a rank with our empty ranks of EC and Diplomat isn't too bad. OR we could just give the mods Captain, and Council/Warlord General. Then just get rid of the H. Council rank.

Oh and, I'll look into getting the RuneHead back up and running. :)

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First of all, Recruit has to be in-game recruits of people that aren't official TRR members on the forums. So Corporal would be a Rebel Member.

The old ranking system, before all the Admin, Owner ranks etc came with the new CC worked well. If we just bumped every rank up by one leaving the Recruit rank open to in-game recruits.

Recruit - In-game recruits / Clan Friends

Corporal - Regular Members of TRR

Sergeant - Established / Exemplary Rebels

Lieutenant - EC / Diplomat / CC Moderator

Captain - Council / Warlord

General - High Council

Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Owner - Founder

Considering these aren't full time moderators and are only CC mods, sharing a rank with our empty ranks of EC and Diplomat isn't too bad. OR we could just give the mods Captain, and Council/Warlord General. Then just get rid of the H. Council rank.

Oh and, I'll look into getting the RuneHead back up and running. :)

Ahh that makes sense, and a initative to join the forums...but the things is will they use the forum...most people i talked to yesterday in CC think that they forum is useless and that they don't have time for it..

Yeah that would work too, Move council/warlord to General and make CC MODs Captains

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I know we all want a super active forum to interest potential recruits in joining. But let's be honest here, RuneScape has long changed since the old times of TRR; with the release of the new CC system, generally, a CC is considered an actual clan - even though is sounds nuts, it's true.If we get an extremely active CC with people actually talking and events actually going ahead with a decent-high attendance, all our problems are solved. From there, you can be certain that our forums will increase in active anyway.What I'm saying, is to just be aware that we need to focus on the CC first.

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