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Status Updates posted by Nathan

  1. I've been playing Skyrim again lately (since I just got it on PC so I've been modding the heck out of it), so I figured I should visit.

  2. Haven't posted here for a while but Merry Christmas everyone :)

  3. I'm probably not going to be on here for a while as my Dad was recently in a serious car accident

    1. David


      That's too bad, I hope he has a swift recovery.

    2. Fergal


      No problem bro, hope he will recover well.

  4. Urgh...I'm so sick of being sick. And I'll have a new article done soon, I promise.

  5. Wow, Australian politics have been really insane now. Awesome outcome though we might have a chance for a decent leader now.

    1. David


      Not aware of what's going on there.

    2. Nathan


      Its really complicated, and hard to explain considering I don't know how much you know about it. Basically we have a new prime minister, who was our Prime minister before hand, and he regained his position pretty much the same way he lost it and almost exactly 3 years since he lost it. And so now we will probably have an election much sooner.

  6. I've been busy this weekend, and now I have internet issues so I won't be able to put out a gaming article this week :(

  7. Out of curiosity I decided to look up the stock for Microsoft and Sony. MS has dropped significantly and Sony's has risen significantly for such major companies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      Xbox One, $/€ more than PS4. Lmao, Microsoft are idiots!

    3. Nathan


      ikr. I was an Xbox fan too, even after the DRM and used games stuff I continued to defend them, and was reserving my judgement until E3, but they've actually made me excited about the PS4 instead.

    4. Tynisa



  8. Thanks random facebook page for appearing in my news feed for no reason and spoling my favourite manga :) [/sarcasm]

    1. Nathan


      Thanks to "Fairy Tail Phillipines" or whatever it was I am also now kind of pissed off with an entire country.

  9. I don't think I will do a gaming news article for this week. Not much has been released and I'm not in the right state of mind anyway

    1. Nathan


      when I say not much, I mean there were like 4 games total for the entire week.

  10. GRRR!!!! My external hard drive broke yesterday...I had more stuff stored on it than on my actual hard drive

    1. Nathan


      ironically it broke when I was trying to move it somewhere safer :(

  11. "Rule the Hobo Market" possibly the best spam phrase I've ever seen

  12. This is gonna be a looooooong article. Hopefully a good one though.

    1. Nathan
    2. David


      If you read this and it isn't on the front page yet, I apologize. Just got done with a hell of a day. I'll add edit it tomorrow at the latest.

    3. Nathan


      sure no problem. I just wanted to get it done so that you can upload it whenever your able to. Heck if you think its better to leave it for a while fell free.

  13. Decided to change my username to fit with the rest of the staff. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      David, Blake, Jake, Nathan. Relatively official sounding team.

    3. Tynisa


      Yeah, i dont know who you are now.

    4. Saucy


      Name Stealer...

  14. Having internet problems (I only have connection for about a second every minute) :( Trying to respond to what I can.

    1. Jake


      I know that feel, bro.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard


  15. Figured I might as well go along with the sloths. It didn't turn out as well as I wanted but meh

    1. David


      I think it's one of the better ones. Making the effort for hair strands to be in-front of the sloth face is a nice touch.

  16. So I disappeared shortly after staff members started changing their usernames to their real names. Still trying to get used to that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      Not that you have to, of course.

    3. Fergal


      Yeah, I have that tendency too, but just online, it's weird. Although, I think I say "anyway" too much here as well. ><

    4. Nathan


      Well, I thought David was going to revert me back to a premium member (I think that the amount I donated would have covered me for this long) since now that TRR is gone there is no category for me to moderate and I'm not quite ready to join the content team again (although I do plan to)

      and Fergal I definitely do the "anyway" thing as well.

  17. I only just realized I hadn't logged in here for ages., sorry about that. Whats Up? How are you guys?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nathan


      Also good luck with getting back into karate, I know it can be hard to find the motivation to get back into it.. Do you get to pick up where you left off (in terms of belts and stuff if your doing it at the same dojo/school) or do you have to start again?

    3. Huygens


      No, luckily I can return where I quit, because it hasn't been that long! Or else it would have been a 2.5 years wasted to get the first 2 belts :P

    4. Nathan


      Yeah, I'd hate to have put in that time and effort only to have it wasted, I've heard of people doing it though (normally because they switched to a different school)

  18. Its boxing day, so some decent movies from the last couple of months finally come out here. I hate how they hold them back for boxing day especially since we've started getting movies before the US.

  19. Just letting you guys know my internet has been slowed down. I'll be on when I can, but I may not be on as much as I'd like

  20. We have several TRR staff positions open. Also make sure to keep an eye out on the Clan News Forums

  21. So my last post was about how I had finished exams and would be more active so i thought I should explain why that hasn't happened yet. Basically since I couldn't get the other members I was doing a group assignement with to participate and my lecturer couldn't even contact them he gave me last years data (since the other people in my group had all of our results) and asked if I could get the report done by the end of the week so I've been working my ass off on that. As soon a...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nathan


      Wow that's awesome. And I finished my assignement today so we should be able to at least get recruiting going well which will eventually make everything else in the clan run smoother.

    3. Tynisa


      Wow. We such a good team right now! Yesterday i nearly recruited nobody, again. Hard work.

    4. Nathan
  22. Finished my last exam today, will be more active soon since I don't start back at uni for another few months. :)

  23. Has anyone else been watching Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn. I've been meaning to watch it and only just watched the 3 episodes that are out at the moment (I believe another episode comes out tomorrow (Friday)) Its really cool, I highly recommend it.

  24. So there's a big Recruitment Event happening this weekend, which has official support from Jagex so it would be awesome if people could check out my thread on it and get involved.

    1. Jake


      Jagex knows about us? That's awesome.

    2. Nathan


      Jagex organised it. There's going to be several clans involved, so it should be a good opportunity to mix with some of them as well

  25. Just got back from being filmed by a documentary crew, It was pretty cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      I don't know, It was a documentary about my Chinese Lion Team that's going to air on TV here at some stage.

    3. Tynisa


      Lies, Documentary on Hardcode Gay Anal in the workplace.

    4. Nathan


      lol, for starters I'm unemployed and then there's also all the obvious reasons.

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