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Everything posted by Crazycow73

  1. Hello man! Welcome to the community! Hope to see you around.
  2. Has anyone watched the movie Priest yet? I just saw it the other day and I really liked this movie. My only real problem with it is that the movie was really short but I do think it could be easily added on (and should!). I also think that the idea of the storyline was good but it didn't go as in-depth as it could have been. I would definitely give this movie a "Buy".
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/D2262-Elder-Scrolls-5-V-SKYRIM-Dragonborn-POSTER-/130562343220?pt=Art_Posters&hash=item1e661f4134I am buying that, going to lock my door, and I will play Skyrim for 3 months straight when it comes out. Who needs friends when you have the best game on the planet?
  4. The AT is pretty bad off too in some parts. Very rocky, not managed all that well in parts of my state. Rough, but very scenic and beautiful.
  5. Just thought some of those outdoorsy people were around. There are a ton of them.
  6. Crazycow73


    I already have 3 hitmen coming for you. Good luck.
  7. The only problem I see in it is that keeping it going like before. It was fine for a while, then people stopped caring and it kind of just fell apart. It would be really cool to see and I feel Aliath is a perfect match for it.
  8. Ha. They can take longer then 2 hours sometimes. You should try a raid.
  9. Woot for perma-win because of responsibilities!
  10. Skilling is boring.....I usually play on my Gameboy SP or play on my Ipod Touch.
  11. Hence why I bought Runescape Membership instead of WoW membership.
  12. I thought I pwned that Mario game, came back the next day to see I had taken a seat.
  13. Good stuff. Level 85 Frost/Blood Deathknight I have a zillion alts. Deathbenot is on Muradin, but I played another server by the end. Don't play anymore sadly.
  14. It is the best, I love biking, canoeing, and hiking. There is a campout where we go to Canada to canoe Aliath, I have never been but I hear it is a great time.
  15. That it is so addictive and fun.
  16. Crazycow73


    Anyone here love camping? I usually spend 90% of my summer outside and one of my favorite places I have gone to was this year, it was in New Mexico and it was called Philmont. Has anyone else been there? It is this huge chunk of New Mexican land that was given to the Boy Scouts foundation to maintain and ever since, thousands of kids go camping and hiking there. We did 101 miles over 12 days and it was the best experience ever. Share some of your own camping stories and favorite moments!
  17. Alright, activity in the Clan and Friends chat have been very poor, I know some people don't get on, but there are people online who just don't enter either chat. I know a ton of people are in the clan chat but not the friends chat and the other way around and nobody of rank is ever on to help those who want to enter the clan chat. We don't only need activity from the members but also from the leaders.
  18. I......cried a little. That was beautiful.
  19. I was Crazy_Da_Cow but now I am Crazycow73 AGAIN BABY!:lol::lol:
  20. Welcome! I am glad you enjoy our community because it only gets better!
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