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Status Replies posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. didnt get back together with my fiance but he said we could be freinds.. when i asked for a second chance he said "not right now" and also something about how he needed to be alone for awhile so i told him i would be waiting no matter how long it took.. he said we would hang out until then.. just hope he doesnt move on to someone else..

  2. sittin in my auto class as usual.. gonna meet up with joe today at 4...... hopefully have a long hike and talk in the woods and work this out.. but i dont think hes gonna take me back. but i give him anough credit that he agreed to talk to me at least.

  3. sittin in my automotive class listening to lamb of god. gonna meet up with the fiance tomorrow hopefully.. have a long talk

  4. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

  5. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

  6. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

  7. went to the rescue squad yesterday. had my first call. didnt kill anyone.. so thats good lol. also first day back at school, as you can see im learning lots.. skippin class in the library

  8. sittin at the fiances house playin dead island. but in other news i am now volunteering at my rescue squad. tomorrows the first day wish me luck

  9. sittin at the fiances house playin dead island. but in other news i am now volunteering at my rescue squad. tomorrows the first day wish me luck

  10. First day of high school tomorrow. I'm nervous. In other news, my second article is online! I worked my butt off for the past hour on finishing touches, so I wiil be ticked off if I don't get comments.

  11. Hitting the road pretty soon ~ Have a nice weekend everyone!

  12. Fact: If you're a right-handed male, your left testicle will hang lower than the right. If you're left-handed, your right testicle will be lower.

  13. showin my brother how to use this site lolz

  14. Just got my Middle School Diploma. I wonder if an employer would take me seriously if I presented it as a qualification.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      blexun said i see what u did there just in one word and mispelled lol and hey man they might you never know... give it a shot lol

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. 99 Farm This Morning!

  16. sittin here with my guitar lookin at it tryin to decide wether to play it or not

  17. W00t! Dad gave me video games back for bringing my grade up! All I had to do was shave my mustache...

  18. sittin here listening to Lamb of God and tryin to find someone to talk to me

  19. Sometimes it just isn't enough to have money in Skyrim...

  20. Why is Facebook and Alexa browsing our forums so much?

  21. 600+ total members! Now to get them all involved...

  22. the bacon helmet is really pissing me off -.- looks really nasty and I love bacon :/

  23. Just failed a retake of a math test. ON CIRCLES. There goes all video games for the rest of the school year...

  24. What can beat heyayyeeaya? Probably nothing. I'm currenty a fan of this though. www.hahgay.com

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