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Status Replies posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. 21 notifications when I logged in. It's a new record for me.

  2. Just banned all of China from the site. GG to those 1.4 billion bots.

  3. got a good thing goin, its a beautiful day, fav song on the radio and got some cash in my pocket. life is good :)

  4. Successfully piss off the entire population of w1 ffa and get nsed: Job Done, GO ME!

  5. I honestly find feminists to be worse than the Wesboro Baptist Church.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      how does that even out if women are sucky drivers?? shouldnt their insurance be higher than mens then cause that aint fair? and hey.. im a chick and i aint that bad of a driver. lol just sayin

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. been a rough week. start my job Tuesday though. wish me luck

  7. been a rough week. start my job Tuesday though. wish me luck

  8. So I bring my grades back up, and my Dad says, "Eh, I decided I'm not going to give your Ps3 back after all; only on weekends." What a joke.

  9. I honestly find feminists to be worse than the Wesboro Baptist Church.

  10. kickass party, new boyfreind, got a job and my car fixed at the same time. been a flippin kickass week lol

  11. well. that was the best damn party EVER lol.

  12. Hey guys, sorry for not being as active as I should be the last few days, I hoped I would be over it by now but I've still got a couple of assignements due in the next few days. After that I'll be working out a Recruitment event so hopefully that will make up for it :)

  13. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

  14. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

  15. I wonder if I should try to convince my brother to make his own PSN account. I don't want my account to be viewed as a "family" one.

  16. Well, my parents say I can't play Ps3 until my grades improve. What better time than to get a Dust 514 Beta invitation, only valid over the weekend?

  17. well. my so called ex fiance has officially moved on. shows how much he cares. jokes on him though. ive had a boy freind since the day he left. well. technically

  18. "ive got a reputation goin round.. i aint never been the kind to back down, ive thrown a punch or two and gave a few black eyes, but Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night"

  19. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      oh... omg i feel like a dick now :( and squishy this doesnt mean you be "forever alone" theres someone for ya somewhere

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      what the hell is an Aspie? and thank you Deathirst

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. Nooo! My trojan wasn't removed after all! I am heavily considering switching to Linux...

  22. Nooo! My trojan wasn't removed after all! I am heavily considering switching to Linux...

  23. didnt get back together with my fiance but he said we could be freinds.. when i asked for a second chance he said "not right now" and also something about how he needed to be alone for awhile so i told him i would be waiting no matter how long it took.. he said we would hang out until then.. just hope he doesnt move on to someone else..

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