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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. CarnivalofSoulz

    Traffic Incident

    i bet that guy shit all over himself
  2. im actually kind of excited for this lol doesnt look too bad to be honest
  3. Thinkin i might as well delete my profile on here. thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz
    3. Tynisa


      In response to your why not, i ask "why"



      no no. When we have time 2 get on its always nice 2 c new comments.

  4. finally got internet for my house

  5. it's been a while huh? im baacccckkk....

    1. Jake


      How long has it been?

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      couple months i guess lol

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      i also see that i have been missed lol. oh well.

  6. CarnivalofSoulz


    i fuckin love this goat!! lol he was on raywilliamjohnsons equals three epsiode haha
  7. gettin my first tattoo today

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I did get that, blex, but I'm a joker/bard/viking/kurfyrst.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Apparently, you call kurfyrst Prince-elector. I'm not very eligeble to vlaim the title, but it's and awesome title!

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      its a fox motorsport logo, and i got it on my shoulder lol

  8. fuck shit up

    1. Jake


      It's nice to see you again, too.

  9. Fruity Pebbles bitch lol. also i like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. im odd i guess
  10. im not afraid of guns, for one i own a few and love target shooting.. but yea that old man was a lil bit over the top.. i mean shit.. shoot them to disable them and call the cops.. killing them was too far... and leaving them in the basement is just plaine retarded.. so yea Blex i agree... but damn squishy?.... a lil bit twisted sounds a stretch too short..
  11. i totally understand... i play for ten minutes and i already wanna throw the controller through the tv.. lol
  12. -.- alright look,... i would do something if i could, but the blockers in school wont let me do anything and i have no internet at my house..... sooo.. yea,... this makes me a lil angry... maybe if there were more people that actaully get on,.... the only people i have EVER seen online is Squishy Tragg, Blexun, Eric Bloodaxe, and Deathirst.. and hats off to you Tragg... your online everry single time i log on.. much appreciated for all you do
  13. trying to think of a senior quote but got wayyyyy to much shit on my mind.. fml

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. David


      Mine was "History is written by the victors." Wrote down the first thing that popped into my mind that was vaguely related to the college I was going to.

    3. Blake


      We never had the senior quote thing. I was a senior athlete though, so I had to give a quote about playing soccer.

    4. Jake


      I like the quote "Don't get mad, get even," by Robert Kennedy. It sums up my views pretty well.

  14. its halloween guys!!!! gonna be a blast. already dressed up and everything

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa


      Halloween. A reason for sluts to dress up as sluts.

      This is not a bad thing.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      im not a slut for the record Tynisa lol.

    4. Tynisa


      My statement is still on the whole quite true to life, though.

      I will give you a pass, because you started your sentence without a capital letter, but thought me important enough to gain a capital letter. For this i thank you.

  15. CarnivalofSoulz

    Day 1

    well its a decent start... got farther than me.. i cnt even figured out how to write in my blog.. made one and cant add any content.. -.-
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