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Status Replies posted by Tcee

  1. oh herro knee surgery

  2. A bit of advice if you go to the theatre: Ted>The Avengers

  3. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

    1. Tcee


      Ohh, gotcha. Darn laws and their restrictions n stuff!

      Parker Alexander is a boyyy<3 Definitely a boy, yup. They're guessing he was 3lbs 5oz last week, I didn't get an estimate today. :[

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

    1. Tcee


      That's awesome! Hope it goes well (if you plan on pursuing that career with them) Dr Appt went well today, taking it one week at a time :] Strangely good, happy mood overall. ^_^

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

    1. Tcee


      I get out for a (short) walk in the garden every day and relax there for a few, talking to Parker :3 Then usually come in for a nap when it gets too warm. One plus of being this far along: massages anytime I want from family<3 ~

      Enjoy your massage!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

  7. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

    1. Tcee


      Sure.. I'll remind you... >.> (Here's hoping you pass out before it gets intense! xD)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

  9. The 28th of June will forever be remembered as the morning of the Great Spam.

  10. lvl 97 fishing tonight and then 2 more levels

  11. bought more runescape membership

  12. Jamie

    Jamie    Tcee

    I love your signature, but the fact that I'm not in it makes it not so cool.

  13. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. Tcee


      Idk, just trying to be an Optimus Prime, not a Negatron. Aha, sorry, I just heard this. Hope you laughed, too.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. Tcee


      Whaaa?! :[ That's so lame! Maybe it will be easier to get back on your feet after this tragedy when new Combat stuff comes out. So sorry to hear about this though :[

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  15. Strict bedrest.

    1. Tcee


      Haha, thanks for the offer. Have one for me.. Or 2.. or 6.. x]

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Strict bedrest.

    1. Tcee


      Doctor prescribed; The less stress, the better

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Got played by TC..

  18. Panera Bread, you are so good to me<3

  19. i hate smithing on runescape. i hate company meetings at the firehouse. today, i hate life

  20. i hate smithing on runescape. i hate company meetings at the firehouse. today, i hate life

    1. Tcee


      sorry to hear about your rough day :[ take a break n' go hang out with this guy imgur.com/gallery/rDhKZ

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Anyone else watching the Hatfield McCoy mini series?

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