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Status Updates posted by Tcee

  1. Parker is going to be a tiger for Halloween! :]

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tcee


      Like, the color? Lol

    3. Blake


      I'm pretty sure he means Red as in the Pokemon trainer from Pokemon Red

    4. Jake


      Yeah, I mean the Pokemon trainer. I'm Caius Ballad from FFXIII-2. I got a lot of stares at the Halloween party a couple days ago. The adults thought my costume was amazing, the kids...weren't sure what to think.

  2. I stopped by irc to say hi, but I think you were afk/sleepin. :c

  3. Had sangria for the first time ~ I'ma happy camper.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      Awesome.. good stuff eh? lol

  4. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      It was a mini series on A&E. A med student uncovers a conspiracy of the hospital putting people into comas. I thought it was like a real series, but just 2 episodes.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz
    4. gotab0ner4xmas


      saw the previews a while back in the theatresl.. looks....interesting

  5. Yoga pants for life! ;]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      Uh, hell yeah, all day urrry day! Jeans are overrated, and none of mine fit anymore X3

    3. Snuggles


      Yoga pants are comfy but I don't think I could be seen going to the store or something in them <.<. They are meant for doing yoga :o

    4. Daniel


      or meant for women who have just had a kid ;]

  6. Parker Alexander Shepherd born 8/15/2012, 11:03am, 6lbs, 15.6oz. Full head of hair, chubby cheeks.. Absolutely perfect. We're both healthy n happy, thanks for all the well wishes<3 :]

    1. David


      :) Congratulations!
    2. Nathan


      Congratulations :D

    3. Blake


      I wish my baby has a full head of hair. I myself was born with bald, then it turned blonde, then the usual dark brown/almost black.

      Anyway, glad to hear there were no problems. Congratulations.

  7. Peaches!! Hospital bound ;3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan
    3. Tcee


      Thanks guys<3 All settled in for the night.. I miss my pup :c Going to be so hard to sleep I'm excited and nervous, scared, but confident things will be okay. Can't believe it's already time. Anyways. Scrabble time and maybe (hopefully) rest soon after.

    4. Anarchy


      Ice Age <3 :D best of luck

  8. 37week! Fingers crossed some time at the beach will help speed things along.. Have a good weekend, people. <3

  9. Men's diving.. Oh, how I love the Summer Olympics ;3

    1. Jake


      I still think a "biggest splash" event should exist, as well as sumo wrestling. That would let fat people join in on the fun.

    2. Tcee


      One guy did a belly flop xD

  10. 36weeks. Misery is my new best friend. Walking helps some, but really ready for this last trimester to end.. Soon, Little One, soon.. <3

    1. cheekychips
    2. Blake


      Here is a picture of Danny Devito emerging from a couch to get you in the birthing mood.


    3. Tcee


      That's soo creepy!!! XD

  11. Hold on TRR<3

    1. Jake


      I'd hate to see the birthplace of my favorite memories die. I didn't have many friends before I joined.

  12. 35 weeks & probably one-two more to go! Tired of these status updates yet? xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tcee


      More goooooood news! Zomg ;3 I'll post a pic when I'm home after the weekend!

    3. Anarchy


      HEEEE ARRIVED!!! :o?

    4. Jake


      Nice, glad I'm part of that inner circle of friends.

  13. 34 weeks along! Insomnia is a pain. 1 week til bday, though:]!

  14. Neighbor's dog just got skunked... and I can smell it from here! UGH. x.x

  15. 33 weeks! Holy hell, time is flying by o.O

    1. Anarchy


      few more weeks and he'll be as good as healthy :)

    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      enjoy your sleep while you can =p

    3. Tcee
  16. 32 weeks! I'm definitely feelin' it lol. Dr appt later today w/my dadzilla, then weekend shopping for babystuff :3

    1. Anarchy


      He's Coming!!! :D

    2. Blake


      The spawn will break free.

  17. 31 weeks! (Yep, gona keep posting em til its time!) <3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tcee


      That's awesome! Hope it goes well (if you plan on pursuing that career with them) Dr Appt went well today, taking it one week at a time :] Strangely good, happy mood overall. ^_^



      Great to hear, Love babies and little kids, then again when your raised in a real Asian household you learn to Love em or Hate em.

      Nah, not for now. In the future yes, if my state laws allow it without having to go to school or w/e for it, if not then it'll be just a talent shared sparingly with close family, occasional sore friend and a few special people.

      So tell us do you know if its a boy or girl yet(if you already told us say again). We(me and Jamie) want detai...

    4. Tcee


      Ohh, gotcha. Darn laws and their restrictions n stuff!

      Parker Alexander is a boyyy<3 Definitely a boy, yup. They're guessing he was 3lbs 5oz last week, I didn't get an estimate today. :[

  18. Tcee

    You should really get online more; we miss youuu!<3

    1. Jamie


      I know right, I missed you too! And your big ole belly!



      Hey my belly isn't that big anymore, lulz. Tcee looks like she swallowed a baby, your too skinny!

  19. Strict bedrest.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      id offer you a drink... but =\

    3. Tcee


      Haha, thanks for the offer. Have one for me.. Or 2.. or 6.. x]

    4. Carroll 1

      Carroll 1

      dont work to hard on recruiting Tcee wouldnt want you stressing ;)

  20. Panera Bread, you are so good to me<3

    1. Jamie


      EAT EAT EAT...

    2. Tcee


      Just jealous >.>

  21. Blah.. 2nd nap of the day in 3.. 2.. .. ..

  22. Hitting the road pretty soon ~ Have a nice weekend everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheekychips


      bye! have fun wherever you're going!

    3. Tcee


      Lotsa shopping n cooking getting done! Very relaxing, but hot here :]

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      have fun wherever youre going lol we shall miss you until you return.... byyyyyyyeeee

  23. I officially never have to wear a red shirt + khaki pants again! FREEEEDOMMM!:]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      A friend and I wore red and khaki pants to target once... was really fun fucking with people. Especially the new workers.

    3. Tcee


      Lmao x) Take walkie talkies next time, and tell people to get back to work!



      Wish we thought of that, we were seriously high as fuck that day though ha

  24. Feel like a zombiee.... x.x One more day of work til the weekend! asdfghjkl;

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