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Tcee last won the day on August 12 2012

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About Tcee

  • Birthday 07/27/1991

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. LOL.. Nice topic! Tearing everyone to pieces, yeah that's so Blex.Update yo' shiz. I put up some new, fabulous art! One of a kind! x]<3
  2. Parker is going to be a tiger for Halloween! :]

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tcee


      Like, the color? Lol

    3. Blake


      I'm pretty sure he means Red as in the Pokemon trainer from Pokemon Red

    4. Jake


      Yeah, I mean the Pokemon trainer. I'm Caius Ballad from FFXIII-2. I got a lot of stares at the Halloween party a couple days ago. The adults thought my costume was amazing, the kids...weren't sure what to think.

  3. Your socks are filthy! xDYAY TMNT!
  4. Ew; Have fun & don't get bitten/stung!
  5. Welcome (back) to TRR, Addison! Happy early bday c;
  6. I stopped by irc to say hi, but I think you were afk/sleepin. :c

  7. Am I the only one a little weirded out about full on animal outfits?Like, fox/dragon/unicorn etc masks were alright, kinda cute. But a full on tail coming out of my bum? A little creepy..Also.Tired of all this SoF crap. It was cool when they offered bits of xp, gp, and some nice pieces of armour. But the pendants and outfits/cosmetic stuff take up a ton of room after so long. Soon, you'll need to stop by Solomon to *IRL-purchase* more bank space. No, I don't buy spins, just thinking long-term.I'm getting caught up on RS news and just getting frustrated with it all -.-
  8. Had sangria for the first time ~ I'ma happy camper.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      Awesome.. good stuff eh? lol

  9. I miss staying up all night with a friend or two on RS just doing random shit like bugging noobs in Lumby for gold, or actually training/minigaming.It used to happen a lot before boyfriend/baby came along x]
  10. You are such a loveable perv XD
  11. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      It was a mini series on A&E. A med student uncovers a conspiracy of the hospital putting people into comas. I thought it was like a real series, but just 2 episodes.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz
    4. gotab0ner4xmas


      saw the previews a while back in the theatresl.. looks....interesting

  12. Movin' on up! Nice job Death!!
  13. hows you me dear? and how is Parker doing? he has gotta be like 10-15 days old now :D

    1. Tcee


      Doing okay, got some good rest last night when my gma took care of Parker, now I'm completely glued to him again, haha. He's already 2weeks, 2days old! asdfghjkl;

    2. Daniel


      holy moly! :3 good to hear youre oks, and 16 days already D: god this is flying by

    3. Tcee


      You're telling me! x3

  14. Yoga pants for life! ;]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      Uh, hell yeah, all day urrry day! Jeans are overrated, and none of mine fit anymore X3

    3. Snuggles


      Yoga pants are comfy but I don't think I could be seen going to the store or something in them <.<. They are meant for doing yoga :o

    4. Daniel


      or meant for women who have just had a kid ;]

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