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Everything posted by Raidenaut

  1. Beta Ftw! Still prayin for them to fix it so we can use enchanted bolts fiinally!

    1. Blake


      I hope that is a bug. Or maybe I need a chaotic crossbow to shoot those rape bolts. D:

  2. Beta ftw! Hope they fix it so use rangers can us enchanted bolts!!!!

  3. Beta ftw! Hope they fix it so use rangers can use enchanted bolts!!!!

  4. Oh man ...Deadra out there... BEWARE! THEY A COMIN!I'm still gona buy it and I'm still gona play it, I don't care what everyone says about Elder scrolls! ElderScrollsOnlineCombat click here!
  5. FINALLY! DUEL WIELDING CROSSBOWS LIKE A GANGSTA!! MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!!!! to bad im not invited yet for beta lucky to all you who did!
  6. Raidenaut

    Skyrim Pokemon Battle

    LOL! Amazing! but I think you outa have him doin that unrelenting force shout but then again ...last slide: poke trainer & charizad: ooooooh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
  7. Yeah this game was very enjoyable but......wait did you say the HD had an ALTERNATE ENDING!?!?!? 0_0 I would love to know the details on that!
  8. Demon souls!?!?!?! Try Dark Souls! (made by same people) really worth it! < if you did play Demon souls then you'll love Dark souls as well! Definitly: HARD ENOUGH TO MAKE YA WANT MORE! ONLY game I ever seen where it says on the back of the box: you are going to die! ****I'd also recommend Skyrim!****
  9. RAAAWWWWRRGGGG! Sry for lack of being on I was glued playin my Kajhit rogue on Skyrim and pwning in Armored Core V

    1. Isaiah


      i been stuck on skyrim lately aswell

    2. Raidenaut


      Well that explains why I haven't even seen ya on raid nights! :o

  10. SAINTS ROW THE 3rd! This game.....has really surprised me! I MEAN LITERALLY! It's the most funnest (and funniest) game I have ever played! I mean.... you can literally have your character start the game with a zombie voice! I was expecting it to be similar to saints row 2 but this is a whole new direction they took and it really really works! The Dialogue is amazing and its got multiplayer ( "Whore mode" ). Best of all.... ...........THEY GOT BERT RENALDS!!!
  11. OH the shroooms! the shroooooooooms! want the Bittercap task done now! almost 3 hour wait time! or 2 hours and 40 min. Just need this task done and I'm done with my medium tasks!
  12. I remembered playing WoW back when BC was hot and now it's boring as hell! Only times I EVER get on is after the tuesday's maintenance and on Sunday nights for 10man raids. I just get my valor for the week within a day and that's it! I did hear of goodnews on the new MoP expansion besides the silly " OMG I HATE PANDAAAAAS!!!" crap. I had to take a 2 year leave cuz I wasn't able to pay for the monthly sub (didn't have a job back then) but if I did play all the way to now... I woulda been a 5 year vet of that game! I would most likely be on rs on tuesdaysFartmanjoe (Now Russellprime because it "was against their naming policies" yet I had it for a 1 year and a half!) 85 Fire mageBlackhand server
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