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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Wish I could help out! Love doing forum work, sounds so sweet! Can't wait to see where this goes.
  2. Skyrim is a good game but it has some REALLY big graphical lag. I play on my PS3 and it takes so long to load sometimes...
  3. hey I'm a sinner, and frankly I love trolling at times too.
  4. I'm Jessus, Jess, Jessica, or Jessie/Jesse.
  5. send me a link with game content.
  6. screw the rs team, they're all gay. probably planning another 9/11!
  7. Get a PS3. Luckily my B-day is really close to x-mas too.
  8. I want the world to be happy for a day and for everyone to feel loved.
  9. I'll start using a blog.Yee.
  10. was getting ready to hear about kim jong-ilo well.
  11. I'm getting D3 and I'm gonna' rock it out.
  12. Yah.Would there be new forums? 'Cuz these ones are gorgeous.
  13. Jessica


    Well Bin Laden and Kim Jong-il are both dead so 2012 ain't happening.
  14. Jessica


    Cheers, look forward to it!@ Mage, haha I know what you mean. I've been on webcam a whole bunch with people at RHQ and i was Vent Staff over there for awhile. I was also in The Titans and several other clans so I have a reputation as being a girl, which I can prove to you as I have to others, because I am a girl and it's easy to prove when it's the truth. :)Just get on tinychat with me or Vent sometime!See ya around.
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