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Posts posted by Tristan



    JJ Abrams is directing it, so if you want to see an example of what it's likely going to look like, look at the Star Trek movies. The biggest problem Disney will have is moving past the whole Darth Vader meta-plot, which is synonymous with "Star Wars" now even though his story has ended.


    That's only because aside from the deceased darth maul, darth vader is one of the most bad ass characters in the trilogy

  2. I like Jar Jar...


      But honestly star wars movies are classics, no matter if you do or don't like them, they just are. And the main attraction for me was that it was written and directed by george lucas.There's no way disney could do any better.



     I'm obviously biassed towards lucasarts, but still about the time star wars came out (late 70's) disneys best animations were fucking cartoons, not saying that I don't like early disney, or that it didn't have plenty of classics itself, but star wars was pretty damn advanced, which made it an instant classic to everyone of that time period.



     The way I see it, if disney makes another film for star wars it wouldn't be a classic, and would fall into the "halo 4, GOW Judgment" category of modern day fails, or at least for me it would, but I suppose that's just my opinion.

  3. Chevy's Guide to Internet Karma


    • [*]Make your heading larger than Blake's [*]Mention Blake's Genitals. Blake's penis. [*]Infer how tiny it is. (3 inch. or less) [*]Assume your are right when he replies with something smart. [*]Then continue your day knowing that you may or may not have gotten a like from the first step.



    Fine, I erased the apology, now Blake doesn't know I'm joking and is going to commit suicide from years of online oppression, happy??


    Also I fixed the penis thing, thx for pointing that out.

    • Upvote 2
  4. That's not what I mean. If I see a post that has two or three likes, then it obviously appeals to someones interests, and deserves to be liked. Especially if 4000+ people have viewed that post. out of 4000 only three liked it? I mean like, wtf? I can assure you that it wasn't mine, if you're thinking that I'm vain in thinking that everyone should like my shit, which I'm not. I'm just saying that I only know of about 5-7 people that use the like button, including you and I.


    Whenever I see a post, and it makes me laugh, or it makes sense, or something like that. I will like it, because I genuinely liked what they said, I'm pretty sure that's what it's intended to be used as.


    And i didn't make this post intending for it to get liked... nalim

  5. I don't know if everyone notices the big ass green button at the bottom-right of everyones fucking posts, but it's there, I assure you. There is a like button on elder souls, and if only 2-3 people knows how to use it, then why the fuck do we have it?


    I'm not flipping my biscuit, but seriously. Why doesn't anyone else use the damn like button??


    Disclamer: Aherm Dear Blexun, I AM NOT FISHING FOR FUCKING LIKES!!! I will say this ONCE.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Eh, the story was okay, but the whole time I sorta felt like I was on a huge goosechase, but once again that seems to be skyrim's theme.


    Kodlack dying was the only downturn of the storyline, others I almost seen coming, mostly because I had been told about it already. The beginning of the story was a bit rushed, but like you said it's a level <10 story line, and maybe it was just to prepare you for the things you would eventually be doing in the game. It was one of the first things I did, and I got real bored with it immediately, eventually quitting the storyline and coming back to it at about lvl 30.


    You are right in saying that the other guild missions were more enthralling, but I think bethesda just simply spent more time putting those together. If C is average then I think I'd give it a D+ (for effort)

    • Upvote 1
  7. LoL, I never really try to provoke them, but if one of my dumbass followers does, I'll usually melee him to death, if they die they die, but one time I killed him mid-rippingmyfriendinhalf state, so I know even when he picks them up you can still save them before they die, you just have to be quick.


    I'f I'm alone and I have firebombs on me, I will normally go out of my way to kill them, but followers AI doesn't seem to tell them "hey dumbass, THAT THING IS HUGE, fucking stay away from it!" that's what I yell at them to make up for their lack of common sense, they never listen...


    I only had one follower die to those things, luckily they weren't important

  8. Marcus is currently the only person I have who can kill a Big bastard with a melee weapon, it's way more efficient, and I say that because he's the only person that doesn't get hurt at all, others can do it, but they always get hurt.


    LoL, first time I seen a bloater I freaked out like "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WTF IS THAT??!!??!!" then I hit it with an axe, and marcus almost died from a horde, now I try to avoid bloaters to the best of my ability.

  9.   I searched the whole forum for something associated with this topic, and I didn't find anything, so I'm going to hopefully start a discussion about this topic.


      So what I'm actually talking about is the DRM policies for the Xbox One, Microsoft's current project, and my recent topic of interest. For those of you that didn't know, which since E3 was about two weeks ago you probably all know, Xbox had some pretty unattractive features, like the feature where you would have to check in every 24 hours, and the no trading games, and among others the kinect spying issue... But I wanted to get out there on the forums the newest big news, despite the fact that I'm about a week late, but I waited on the assumption that this had already been covered, so keep that in mind.


      Now the big news- Microsoft dropped the Xbox One's DRM Policies, that means; no 24 hour check-ins, and you can share physical disks, and many more qualities that fucked Xbox One pre-orders in the ass. This was announced about a week ago on the official Xbox news website, here's the link so you can read it for yourself- http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update I wanted to know everyone's opinion on how you think this will change the Xbox ones sales and preorders, or if you think it's too late for Microsoft to rebound, and if this changes your mind and you are now getting the Xbox One as your first next-gen console, I also want to know your opinion of Don Mattrick, because I think he's a dumbass supremacist bastard, I just want to know your opinion, please help make this discussion as mean to Mattrick as you can and state your opinion.



       Sorry if I spelled something wrong or something I might go over and fix stuff later, but I don't think it really matters so I probably won't...

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