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Posts posted by Tristan

  1. The player is able to melt down any armor/weapons that they don't use and basically salvage the materials to make new products.

    Like on two worlds two :mellow:

    Oh, and I just wanted to say that I had this image of hunting bears in Red Dead Redemption when you guys were talking about more animals. I remember shooting grizzlies for 30mins straight as 4-5 continuously responded around me until I ran out of ammo and died on a pile of 50 corpses. Let's not let Skyrim go that far. :tongue:

    I meant more speices of animals, LoL not MORE animals :teehee: < upside down smiley

    I thought the hunting was pretty realistic, obviously a deer isn't going to go down after one arrow in the side, and they are startled really easily which is what i expect.

    I was sayin that between my bow and my arrow and what is suposed to be at the end of my arrow are two different things, like an effing tree :wallbash:
  2. You guys have to slow down way down, though skyrims graphics are better than the other elder scrolls games, they are still pretty bad, theyre nowhere near as good as MW3, or Battlefield, or even Reach, or combat evolved, the new one of course, but you are all trying to say just bc the graphics and player options have changed that its a different series, half trying to say its better but not better, or worse but not worse, can u not have fun on it, would you rather gripe about how sucky it is to have fun on, u can still play it and have about the same amount of fun as on the other game but maybe in a different way, its gonna be different than Oblivion, theres nothing fixing that now, Besides, what do you do on Oblivion that u cant do on Skyrim, I know i wouldnt be able to play Oblivion without getting aggitated with the pitiful graphics, so maybe it just depends on which one u played first.If we should be mad about any thing we should be mad about the uselesness of food, like 1 or 2 health isnt gonna help my predicament, they should have a food bar, so tht food isnt totally useless

  3. I've never played any of the other elder scrolls games, mainly because I would prefer enjoying the scenery while doing a short lazy questline, I thought the game was brilliantly made with little flaws, but when I really got into it and quickly ran out of things to do I started seeing like you explained itThe questlines are too short bc don't you think Bethesta would try and modernize it a little with playing with their new toys and instead giving the player some scenery and a couple of good questlines instead of well, oblivions graphics and a still half decent storyline that could still not live up to oblivion or morrowwind, more thirteen year old kids don't give a crap about how good the games storyline is and that's like the majority of the people that even buy the freakinn game, so Bethesta would rather have a bunch of little kids like their games than the people like us that would be sitting here talking about how awesome it would be if the games graphics sucked again

  4. Rampage through the cities, become sad when I kill some semi-essential NPC, and then reload and just pay the 5 gold to buy a goat's leg.That merchant was such a swindler, but I needed the goat leg...

    LOL hahaha lmfao thats funny, i dont really know why but i just busted out laughing when i read that
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