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Posts posted by Tristan

  1. I love medieval themed games, like Skyrim, but Skyrim came out in 2011 not to mention the legendary edition in 2013. Before Skyrim there wasn't a whole lot of medieval themed games to choose from (unless you like oblivion, and I didn't). I know of two really good games that were available, one was The Witcher 2 which I, at the time, could not afford, and the other was a slightly pathetic release named Two Worlds. Two worlds was available to buy in 2007, about four years before Skyrim, and was rather cheap if I remember correctly (probably a reason behind that). I'm not going to sit here and explain the whole game plot to you guys, but I was wondering if any of you had played it before?

  2. Not sure about the staff or cure disease potion, but as for the armor; there are armors that she just isn't programmed to wear. If you're dedicated I'm sure the nexus has some kind of mod that will allow for her to wear those armors. 


    Try this mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14037/?


    It's the best for everything related to followers, also has a choice to make them wear what you want them to.


    Also highly recommend this one - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/?


    It's compatible with UFO and comes in very useful for maintaining follower locations when you send them home.

  3. Unless your game is modded beyond the point of recognition, reinstallation would only take about 30 minutes at the most, usually. Then just reinstall the mods one by one until something fucks up. Your save data wouldn't be affected by a reinstallation, or it shouldn't at least.


    I can understand though why you wouldn't want to try this.

  4. So I'm sure some of you have at least heard of the new release, it's not out yet but still has insane hype. Destiny was in beta testing for the past three days and sad to say it is scheduled to end today (though people are hoping for an extension). Unlike WoW and ESO Destiny will be subscription free, and is scheduled to be released on the ninth of September. I don't know about you guys, but this game is my top priority possibly for the next year or so.


    Now I've done my bit with the Halo franchise and 344 Industries is just fucking it up, literally the only thing better is the resolution (barely) and I can't seem to enjoy the multiplayer with the shity ass covenent looking spartan 4 armor, it's just pathetic... but there is hope for the sci fi genre to continue at it's former glory through this game, and once again through it's leader; Bungie. I've played the beta with some friends this past week and it is by far one of the best betas I've played in a long time, better than the Titanfall Beta, and even more fun than the Battlefield 4 Beta (I LOVE btf). I would also like to put out there that the beta for Destiny is now code free if it doesn't end today.


    I was really just wondering if anyone else is as excited about this game Is I am, and if so what features are you looking forward to?

  5. Excuse my incompetence, but due to a tight budget at my work, and a forceful ex wife, I'm going to have to ask you to rephrase and submit your question again. Once completed I will do my best to task you an answer, if I still cannot answer your question after you have applied the fix, please feel free to report me to the higher ups.

  6. maybe try backtracking a save, if that's not possible then I'm not sure what you can do that doesn't involve using command codes, and I'm assuming you are on console. This has actually happened to me before, the only thing you can really do to "fix" this on console is use an earlier save (which is what I did).

  7. blah blah blah, yada yada... opinion

    Ulfric challenged the high king to a battle and ultimately won, granted that he cheated a great deal. Ulfric was chased from the throne that he rightfully earned, and the imperial army showed up to claim the throne, despite it not at all being theirs. Ulfric, in retaliation, starts a war with the imperials for invading the political realm of skyrim. Though this war is rightfully a national war it is cited a civil war being that it takes place in skyrim and is fought on one front. Ulfric is not fighting his own people, he is fighting for his people. You may say that he's selfish for saying in conclusion to his speech that the throne was his anyway, but rightfully, it was. The throne of skyrim deserves a nord, not an imperial, it deserves someone who fought for it, like Ulfric did, and most of all; it deserves a King. The democracy of Cyrodiil would never allow a hierarchy in an area they control, thus not allowing skyrim a king for the throne, thus making jarls and kingdoms in skyrim obsolete. Ulfric knew this and declared war with the imperials to stop this from happening whether or not he actually cared about his people or not, he cared about his country, that was his cause, he fought to save the nordic way of life. Whether or not you agree with that doesn't matter because, when it all comes down to it; it's all opinion anyway, it's a stupid game. You can dramatize it, or clarify it, or justify it in any way you want, no one here is probably even close to what the developer's had in mind making the game.

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  8. It's Andrew Garfield.

    He's try to do the best in this movie.

    He do 70% scene in this movie without any editing. He already loves Spider-man since he was 3. Maybe the movie is little bit too dramatic, because that movie is Marc Webb's first action movie. Got it?


    What is your native language lol, jk.


    Being a big fan, and loving spider man has nothing to do with it. He doesn't fit what alot of people relate to as a Peter Parker persona.

  9. I remember about eight years ago that there was a movie every girl in my school was googly eyed over. I hadn't seen it but damn me if I didn't know the whole cast by the end of the week. High School Musical had jump started alot of early actor's careers, but in my opinion, and out of every member of the cast of the movie, Zac Efron was most definitely the most well known, and possibly the most hated on.


    Of course Vanessa had that little spit with the media, but for me it was all Zac. I was tired of walking into school to hear little girls talking about him, and tired of seeing his face on posters at Wal Mart, for me his infamy rivaled that only of Beiber. Here recently I've been seeing commercials on the tube involving a few familiar faces: Zac Efron, but also one of my favorite actors of all time (drum roll) Seth Rogen! At first I remember thinking "why on earth would he want to make a movie with that waste of oxygen," then, after seeing the different commercials roughly 100 times, I realized that maybe he isn't that bad of an actor (Efron) and after reading some reviews, and especially seeing it's ratings on rotten tomatoes, I know this movie is going to be great.


    I wanted to start a conversation on this because I'm obviously pumped for the movie, but I wanted to know if anyone else sees things the same as me. I think Efron can redeem his early Disney career with this movie, and I think the movie is going to rock. Do you think the same?

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