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Everything posted by Brad

  1. GOW1 was the by far the best oneDon't know if you play online or not? But as long as they use the GOW1 system with new maps and just a lancer and gashed it will be good !!
  2. or this.... http://astretchyhand.com/
  3. Does anyone play any other browser games other than RS?at the moment I only play one: FallenswordBut I just find myself bored lately so was wondering if there was anything interesting out there?
  4. why is he bad at COD or something? tell him to grow a pair make a new acc and get the same K/D if hes good at it?
  5. All they need to do is put some hot half naked chick in a cat costume and I won't complain.Remember you can always mute the sound.
  6. Just tell the fucker to make his own profile? Thought they were free on PS3?
  7. I did the same. Delete the thread.
  8. I do daily.Pretty sure he was off his tits daily though... look at those droopy eyes.
  9. haha that crazycow drama at the end was boss. bless him.
  10. Congratulations! As a highly valued member of our community you are automatically eligible to take part in the Evolution of Combat BETA. Boys.
  11. well these greeting cards perked me up lol
  12. Brad

    Rebelz Timez #2

    Sterling. Love the QBD drops part and the interviews are good
  13. I'm sorry but Hey Arthur taught me a lot of values in life... and the them tunes ace!!
  14. CATCH THE PIDGEONWacky RacesJohnny BravoHey Arthurthere the main ones I remember
  15. Ooo sounds interesting might have 99 smith by then so I can power through the quick skills lol Sign me up if I'm allowed :x
  16. well this fills in a shit load of blanks for me... lol
  17. my mate lost his pernix and torags doing this lmao cause of that glitch? sure youve heard of it where your grave just dissapears cause theirs too many lol
  18. Successfully piss off the entire population of w1 ffa and get nsed: Job Done, GO ME!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brad


      Non-Stopped :P basically they attack you everytime they see you lol

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      hell yea good job *high five*

    4. Jake


      Bit late for another comment, isn't it?

  19. that good or bad... lmao I just saw a black guy with a shit load of gold chains? so I'm guessing bad?
  20. man of all knowledge <3 I actualy didnt know that lolyer especially seem as shes not that hot...
  21. I cant see Carly Rae being that hot lol I mean without the top class make up and the camera crews she's average.
  22. Black Widow was in it because she knows hawk eye and helped him back from the "dark side". IMO they were both in it so Marvel can bring out a movie about 1 or both of them lolbut yer Hulk was fkn ace (y) "puny god"
  23. my mate gets like a pair an hour... hes the luckiest guy on rs ive ever met lol
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