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Everything posted by Isaiah

  1. Isaiah


    head shot
  2. starfox 64 and ocarina of time consumed my life as a chiild
  3. even in an xbox so long has there was no power in the machine you disc shouldnt be scratched...
  4. surprised i didnt spot thisWoW is amazing easier and more engaging the Rs i would have to sayonce you learn the game getting lvl cap is like walking a dog, and the pvp system actually takes skills but on another noteMists of panda is gonna be one hell of an expansion from what i read on completely redoing pve scenarios which i cant wait for
  5. , awesome newsletter though cant wait to read the next
  6. blexun knows, all to well.....
  7. personal use bots are ok in my book but mass botting like this is sickening
  8. well i only said that to help members regular feel mor involved with clan decisions ucwatimsayin
  9. Glad to be onboard i will do my best to bring this clan back to greatness
  10. Awesome glad to have you onboard
  11. well we are active with the few that we have, we just need moar ppl so that at any time there are people active
  12. man the life boats, this ship is going down.... Jk grats on leadership and gl steering us into the sunset :DD
  13. Blexun do my quest for medium tasks
  14. are we ever gonna vote on color change for the cape? like change it once a month depending on how many votesjust sayin
  15. ooooooooo can i come!!!
  16. Hello there TRR as you may not know i am back and not black , for those who don't know mei am a old ass member of this clan and am now lost so lets spill the beans what has happened in the past 7 months and dont give me lip...
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