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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Hello peeps! I haven't made an entry in a while, and then I saw David's entry, I felt like Ishould make a new one. Soo... I became sick yesterday, and have fever today. I also saw The King's Speech today. Not for the first time though. But it's still a really good film! I think (hopefully) I have delayed the trip to our montain cottage. I don't really like skiing, and it's also reported bad weather for the whole week... But the people that got a cottage around the same place, always have a gathering during easter, and it's really fun, especially since my family (almost) always win one of the competitions. That's all for today, might make a new entry in... Sometime...
  2. That's no fun, you should use every excuse to have a party! Especially in your house!
  3. I'm usualy often on the forums, but today and yesterday I have been sick, and sometimes it's too much schoolwork...
  4. Fergal and I_God_Apollo aint really around much anymore... Also, RuneScape laggs really bad for me...
  5. At the moment, I'm sick, and won't be on much. And soon, it's easter holiday, and then I will be in the mountain without internet for about a week...
  6. I tried that quest once with my friend.. We got to Monkey Island, didn't understand anything, nearly died, teleported out, never returned...
  7. What? That doesn't make sense...
  8. Wait... is Captain Falcon actually a bot?
  9. Is it 70 att you got there? In that case, that is one of the greatest moments in RS.
  10. Yoho, yoho, a pirate's life for me!
  11. It's been quite silent latrly, since I haven't decided what to listen too... I recently listened to rap, radio NRK P3(lots of different music) and most recently I've bern listening to MIA. Aldo, my brother is mostly into experimental/improvised jazz. Sone jazz aint too bad, but what he listens too is pretty bad...
  12. Really? You don't celebrate Easter? Almost no-one is allowed to work some of the days next week, in my country. So then me and my family is going to our mountain-cottage
  13. About time, you told me to post here several days ago, so you wouldn't double post...
  14. I can't seem to access bloggs... I can get to the page, but not read any of the bloggs or comments.Edit: Posting works fine now, but earlier it just said saving, and I had to refresh to see the post.
  15. Blogs seem tp have the error still...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Now I can read all bloggs, except the latest entry in my blogg...

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      It works fine now

    4. David


      I didn't change anything, though, so if it comes back let me know. It's been on and off the whole time and its making it really hard to troubleshoot. :(

  16. There seem to be some problems with posting aswell... It doesn't come up at once.
  17. We don't have spring break... we do have easterholiday, winter break, and some other Christian stuff(which means we get free from school, even though I'm not a Christian!). 17th of May and 1st of May isn't that far away either.
  18. I agree, the new layout is terrible. Gl on 99 construction though! Also, Prayer got the coolest skillcape emote, so gratz on that even though it's a bit late...
  19. Yey! Sort of... It looks shit, but atleast it's back!
  20. Sometimes I get in, sometimes I don't I guess I should... I'm just too lazy...
  21. One thing though, are you going to announce the member of the month for February?
  22. I (dis)like how you have to be members to collect most of the stuff. I got a small xp lamp for agility though.
  23. You only need level 15 to be on highscores now?!
  24. Omfg, you're a beast at farming and dungeoneering! Also, you're the same fishing level as I am...Gl on 99 fletching btw!
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