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Eric the Bard

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Blog Entries posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Eric the Bard
    So... I was just looking through the old coins that my family got. Some of them are worth quite a bit, though most of it isnt really worth much. Since my grandfather collected coins, and he have been all around the world, we got old coins from all over the world. Including a silver dollar from America! That's pretty kewl.
    I found them whilst I was looking for my half tooth though... And I found the box it was supposed to be in, and it ws empty! Now I can't post a picture of my half tooth! I can still tell you the story though. I managed to break my tooth... twice... the same tooth... during the same summer... Once when I got an iron gate in my face, and once when my brother came out of no-where and right in my face...
    Ps. the blog system doesn't seem to work properly...
    Pps. I hope someone is actually gonna read this...
    Edit: This is the second entry that I was talking about in the first published entry.
  2. Eric the Bard
    17th of May and russ!
    Now, you may wonder what happens the 17th of May. Well, its the national day of Norway, celebrating the constitution being signed on the 17th of May 1814! But what is a russ? Well, graduate students celebrate the end of the year, although their exams isn't over yet. But that's because it fits so nice with the celebration of 17th of May. So from May 1th to May 17th they are partying every day, and they are trying to get these knots to have in their cap, showing that they have done some weird or stupid stuff. Like riding a tre-wheel kid's bike 5 times around the traffic cricle, or getting 5 teachers to sign your underwear. Now, I'm not russ, but my brother and his friend, who's staying with us are russ. And its quite fun to watch them get drunk every night and sleep all day when they get back from school. Because they still have to go to school, and they have to prepare for their exams, which is later. Ther russ is between the ages of 17-19, although the "black russ" isnt really accepted, since they are too young to drink legally (they are 17. and a few are 18, and 18 is the age limit). On the 17th of May, we also have parades.

    Here you can see some different coloured russ. Blue is originally economy, but some have choosen to be blue eventhough its not really their colour. The red russ is general subjects. There's also black russ, which are on their last year of school, before two years as apprentice. Green is ecological russ, and white is christian russ. But christian russ do completely different stuff ofcourse, and green and white are pretty rare. Red is the most common.

    17th of May parade.

    Here you can see the King's castle/palace, which is where the parade ends in the captial, Oslo.
    Now you know a bit more about Norway!
    Edit: Now I forgot to tell you about russ cards! They are sort of like business cards that the russ give out to people, mostly children who collect them. Most of the cards got jokes on them that the kids don't understand, but that the russ think is funny. I made an example of a russ card, so you can see what it's like.

    I know. I'm good.
  3. Eric the Bard
    I used to have the most popular blog, with most views, comments and entries. I still have the most comments and entries, however that damn sloth wizard Traaginen have overtaken me. I'm so angry I called him Traaginen. Well, I'm not really angry. Yes I am. Maybe later.
    Anyways; I had a pretty though leg exercise today. I think I'll just sit in this chair for a few days, as I already barely can walk, and it's just going to get worse.
    Exams are coming up. I have to take one exam this year. Because exams and end of year are closing in, I've had tons of tests, and still have a few more to go. Last week I spent most of my freetime for four days just rehearsing physics. I used to suck at physics. Used to. Well, I still kinda do, but not so much. I owned that test. I always sleep in physics class btw. That might be why I suck at it. I can't help it though, and my medicine forbids me to go to bed early, since I have to wait so goddamn long between meals and medicine.
    Once. There was a BÃ¥rd. His friend played MineCraft. He didn't. Then he pirated MineCraft and loved it. However, he wanted something more. He decided to buy MineCraft and play on servers. It was fuppin amazing. One of the first servers he saw was MinecraftOmega. He loved it. Since then he has been playing on that server on and off. This period, he was given the title "Recruiter". He decided to post on this forum to tell other members to join the server. Spoogan did. Now we are having all the fun without you guys. If you don't like/have MineCraft you're fuppin noobs. The End.
    The attached picture is what me and Spoogan has been up to. I made the tower, Spoogan made the other stuff. The brown thing coming off my tower is me planing something.
  4. Eric the Bard
    My duty as a Norwegian and my nightmares. Maybe not so much my nightmares anymore. I've never really liked skiing. The reason skiing isn't so bad anymore, is because I've learned how to go up-hill and doesn't fall in every down-hill anymore. I did before though. It was pretty horrible. It's kinda odd, because I'm the only one in my family that dislikes it so much, and my father is pretty good at it. I went skiing today, which you might have guessed. It was the first time this year, and I had forgotten how much your feet hurt the first kilometer or so. But then it passes. I fell going down a hill, and a kid laughed at me. I didn't really mind, especially since he immediately after started crying because he couldn't get up the hill. Even though I don't like skiing, my parents (my father especially), make me go a few times a year. The last few years it haven't been to bad, but the place I went today have two hills I hate, and we go there every year. Today we only went down and up one of the hills, the one that got a sharp turn at the end where I always fall. The trip turned out not too bad.
    Anyways, have anyone else here gone skiing? And do you do it often?
  5. Eric the Bard
    So, I probably do have Wilson's disease. After having tiny parts of my liver removed and examined and several other tests, they have come to the conlcusion that I might have Wilson's disease. They are doing a test that will tell more certain if I do have it, however it can only confirm that I have it, and can not confirm that I don't have it... So I've started treatment today. The medicine will be sponsored by the state, however the first time I had to pay for it, and later get money back. The price is insane. 645 USD. It's a lifelong disease, and I might not ever drink alcohol :'( I'll discuss that with my doctor later though. There is also some kinds of food that I shouldn't eat much of, just once in a while. Chocolate is one of them, becasue there is copper in it, and that is what my body can't handle. Now I'm just waiting to se if my stomach starts to hurt because of the medicine...
  6. Eric the Bard
    Big Headline
    Not long ago I was in Croatia, on the island BraÄ. I was staying in a nice little town called Postira. It was very calm and not so focused on tourists, so there wasn't people trying to make you buy crap everywhere. On the other side of the island, on the other hand, it was like that, in the city/town Bol. It was a huge tourist place because of their beach. But I liked Postira far better. We couldn't find any sandy beaches though, i was just stony beaches. They were everywhere though. I also got an awful heath rash or something on my back and shoulders and I couldn't sleep for two nights in a row because of it. I'm not tan by the way, as no-body in my family have the genes to become tan. We are very Scandinavian/Norwegian in that way. But here's some pictures:

    This is the town we were staying in.

    This is Bol with the beach.

    Here is a better picture of Bol. The beach kinda starts where this picture ends.
    Monday to Wednesday next week I'll be in the capital, Oslo, for some examinations at the biggest hospital in Norway. My doctor sent me there because she thought I might have a very rare congenital disease that affects my liver. So my liver isn't working very well. My doctor decided at one point to do lots of examinations on my. But everything was fine except my liver, and my heart has a bi-sound to it that isn't dangerous. But yeah, I'm going to Oslo after the weekend. I'm a bit scared, I don't really know much about what is going to happen. I don't even know if I get narcosis or local anesthesia. But I'm sure it will be fine. Not sure if the disease is treatable though. I might have to stay away from alcohol for the rest of my life.
    Guild Wars 2
    Earlier this week I bought Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe. I'm not sure if I really needed the Digital Deluxe version, but now I got it. So this weekend, before going to Oslo, I'll be playing Guild Wars 2 in the beta-weekend! I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2 and I cleaned my PC for dust yesterday to make it go faster. Not sure if it worked, as I have mostly been using my laptop recently, so I wouldn't know if the PC goes faster. Anyways, I hope we could gather a small group of people on the forums to play together, since I don't feel like joining a big guild.
    Now, a funny picture I took in Bol outside a hotel.

    It's not a very good picture because I took as the bus I was in drove by.
  7. Eric the Bard
    My 17th of May
    16th of May
    This year we weren't supposed to have a big party for family and friends, but relax instead. Ofcourse, that did not happen. The 16th of May was a very stressfull day. Everything had to be ready for the 17th, and the new entrance had to be finished, so we could move some stuff in there. The food needed to be ready for the next day aswell. But it went allright, and eventually we got there. My brother could, as usual not help. Both because of laziness and because he "had" to go to the big russ part that symbolizes the end of the russ time. I don't blame him for going to that party, just the fact that he is so lazy and can never help around the house. He got the easiest job and not only did he do the job badly, but he got his friend to help him do it.
    17th of May
    Now, on the 17th of May we had to get up really early. I'm not very good at that, and after my parents had yelled at me a couple of times to get up, I finaly did when there wasn't much time left until we had to go. So i quickly got ready, and we drove to the place where we usualy stand and watch the kid's parade go by. The parade is not for kids to watch, but for kids to participate in. All the schools and day care centers participate and they can win this prize for being the best part of the parade. Now, this is where Ole Gunnar Solskjær gets in to the picture. He got three kids in the parade, and he was standing right on the opposite side of the street for me. I'm always kinda shocked when I see him, as he is(or atleast was) one of Norway's most known man(footballer, soccer player).
    After the parade we went to my grandmother's house and eat some food and cakes, just for the family, pluss my brother's friend who's staying with us. He had been partying all night and hadn't slept, and he was still drunk. So he acted rather strange.
    After that we went to watch the russ train, which my brother and his friend was participating in, and playing the guitar. It was rather funny, and the "new" red russ got so much hate, because they have been blue for so many years, and then they suddenly decided to become red russ instead, so the "real" red russ was hating on them.
    After that, we went home and prepared for the party, and then the guests started arriving. Lots of people came, and it was funnier than I can remember it used to be.
    Ole Gunnar Solskjær
    I was not quite finished with Solskjær just yet. In the evening yesterday, a privatejet landed on the airport in my town. Turned out to be someone from the management of Aston Villa, trying to make Solskjær come with them to Birmingham so they could discuss a possible position as coach for Aston Villa(premier league soccerteam). Solskjær used to be a quite good footballer(playing for Manchester United), until he injured his foot or something, and then he started coaching for the reserve team of Manchester United. He then suddenly moved back to his home town in Norway, right next to where I live. And then he started coaching a footballteam in the highest league in Norway, and in his first year made the team win their first cup ever.
    Now, as I said I live right next to him. You could almost see his house from the picture i posted earlier of the view from my house. Here are some new pictures:

    The pictures are of his house. He paid 11m NOK(1,838,157.89 USD) for it. The pool was removed by the previous owners, but I can see that Solskjær made a new pool in the same place. You better like this, because I ran out without my jacket and took these pictures, and it was freezing.
    If you haven't yet seen the updated blog entry of my last one, please do. The edited version is a lot funnier. This entry isn't very funny either, it's more bragging and information about my life really. But I tihnk it's a pretty standard 17th of May. Lastly, here's a question for anyone in the US: Did any of you notice any celebration of the 17th of May in the US? I know some people celebrate it there.
    Also, Traag, you must have noticed that writing an entry can be quite annoying. If you backspace to quickly sometimes, the completly wrong thing gets removed, and it's really annoying, especially when you don't notice at first and keep writing...
  8. Eric the Bard
    Doctor: You need to stop masturbating.
    Pasient: Why?
    Doctor: I'm trying to examine you.
    Also, I love Runespan. I'm going to stay there until 99 rc, only stoping for Citadel. I doubt that's true, I'll probably get tired soon and go do something else. I hated rc before, but now I went from 13-50 since yesterday. It's not good xp fro skilling comp though... Also, I really should work on my English assignment... Sometime...
  9. Eric the Bard
    I LOVE the Norwegian government. Not only do they repay some of the money I have spent this year on health care, but health care is completely free out the year. Because when you exceed a certain limit of cash spent on health care in Norway, they make everything free. And I have been quite a few times to the doctor this year and had that surgery in my toe. And now I get money back and free health care. I'm not really sure if other countries do this, but... yeah...
  10. Eric the Bard
    As you all should know, as I've been ranting about it everywhere, I've had an operation in my toe. But that's not the only problem. Today, I managed to kick my toe into the stairs, and it did hurt... a lot. But I often do kick into stuff. Probably because I got gigantic feet. My shoe size is; America; 14,5 UK; 14 and Europe; 49. I'm curious to see if anyone else in the clan have bigger or as big feet, as I find it humanly impossible. It's not very easy to find shoes either, but people in Norway do have big feet, and shops are taking in bigger sizes, and the population's feet are growing.
    This post does not really got much to do with my toe, really. But I can also include that the surgeon gave me a note saying I can't go to school for the next few days, and therefore I've had lots of time playing RuneScape
    Actually, I got something else to say aswell. Do you think I should change my greeting from Hi nubs! ? I feel that it's a part of my identity, so I don't really want to change it, but people get offended. I don't see why though, as nub CLEARLY isn't the same as noob!
  11. Eric the Bard
    I've just had an operation in my toe. It hurts. Like hell. I just took painkillers, but they aren't working yet. They have removed a bit of my nail, so it will forever be a bit more narrow then on the other toe. Shit, this really hurts. I can barely concentrate. I could feel that he touched the bone in the toe, though my toe was drugged(if that is the right word for this). It's a really odd feelin, when you don't feel pain but a really odd feeling in your bone.
    Fuck shit bugger,
  12. Eric the Bard
    Hello peeps! I haven't made an entry in a while, and then I saw David's entry, I felt like Ishould make a new one. Soo... I became sick yesterday, and have fever today. I also saw The King's Speech today. Not for the first time though. But it's still a really good film!
    I think (hopefully) I have delayed the trip to our montain cottage. I don't really like skiing, and it's also reported bad weather for the whole week... But the people that got a cottage around the same place, always have a gathering during easter, and it's really fun, especially since my family (almost) always win one of the competitions.
    That's all for today, might make a new entry in... Sometime...
  13. Eric the Bard
    Today my brother found out that he was accepted to the National Music High School as the only one to be accepted in his category! High School in Norway is not the same as in America, it's the same level as University really. He plays the piano, incase you're wonering. Jazz. I don't really like jazz though. I'm kinda looking forward to him moving out, as he makes a lot of noice and I don't like jazz, which is mostly the kind of music he plays.
    I was actually going to post pictures of my giant feets, but that will be for later, as it is too late now. I think there was something else aswell, but I have completely forgotten.
  14. Eric the Bard
    Hi guys (and gals? don't think we got any gals on here though)! I've desided not to publish my earlier drafts, since they were pretty much rubish. I might publish the second one, though. The first one just said that it suddenly started snowing heavily outside, and now it's gone, after two days.
    Atm. I'm studying for my math test tomorrow, and I wish for once, it would go my way on these math tests. I'm not very good at maths, but still got into the class for all the smart people, that wouldn't or couldn't get into that really hardcore class, where only a few people get in. I didn't apply for the other one, but did have a chance of getting in.
    So... Welcome to my blog, and now I will start preparing for the test again.
    Ps. The real reason I don't want to publish the first one, was because I uploaded the wrong picture, and the correct one is gone.
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