As you may or may not know, I'm just getting back into Runescape.. I'll explore some of the new updates, and then I'll set some goals to motivate me a bit to train. Anyway.. I'll organize this a little bit after this "prologue," I guess, and show my current goal, whatever I want to do. Ruffalex's Goals (reserved for bank picture) Current Goal99 Strength How I plan to get it: Slayer! I'll slay my way through it. I'll hope to get it by the New Year, give or take a week.(reserved place for slayer gear, will post it when I get members back) Goals (in no particular order) Why/How I plan to get it: God help me... This won't happen for a while. I want to get it for Turmoil, obviously. I don't know if I'll ever get this Why/How I plan to get it: Won't take too long at all, just cost a little. I'll probably do the plank spell. Want to get it for vengeance and ice barrage. Why/How I plan to get it: My least favorite skill... I can't STAND this skill, and it'll probably take me forever. I'll probably mine granite, I'm doing it for ROTM. Why/How I plan to get it: Up there with my least favorite skills... I'll probably do the Ape agility course, and it'll take forever... Why/How I plan to get it: Not too bad, I'll probably just spend some money and do Green Dragonhide chests. Won't take that long, but I'm willing to pay more to get it done faster. Why/How I plan to get it: I almost have all the charms.. It won't take too long. This is for the Unicorn Stallion. Why/How I plan to get it: Why not? Easy and cheap enough skill, and I enjoy it enough I guess. I don't know if I'll ever bother, but perhaps if I get bored enough. Why/How I plan to get it: Again, why not? I don't see myself realistically completing this, but I love to slay. I won't be going for this, but slaying is my favorite thing to do in game, so I guess its a possibility. Item Goals None currently, to be honest. I'd just like to get a bigger cash pile and make my bank a bit richer, will do it through slayer. Thanks for checking out my goals... I plan to update this pretty often, and I'll post some pictures as I level up.