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Ruffalex last won the day on October 30 2011

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  1. Modern Warfare 3? Or 2? I can't judge in MW3, it could be awful for all I know. Judging by Mw2, I'll say Cod. Battlefield 3 was a severe disappointment for me.
  2. Don't worry about us at all... I hope your Grandmother is alright, best wishes. You've caused no trouble at all, you're doing the right thing. Real Life > Runescape no matter what the cause, especially this.
  3. I've liked Battlefield in the past, but I don't exactly get the hype on this one. The servers are absolutely awful, and it's glitchy and laggy. I didn't buy the game, I never buy games without trying them out first, but the two days I borrowed it I couldn't play for more then an hour... I'm usually the same way with COD, but I think this game could possibly be the most overrated game this summer, it was sort of like Halo Reach, tremendous hype, then the game came out and it wasn't fit towards people's expectations. I don't know if others feel the same way, but it's how I feel and felt.I was planning on getting BF3, MW3, Skyrim, and AC Revelations this fall, Battlefield saves me a lot.
  4. Of course I'd love to be a hockey or lacrosse player, but that's only my dream to motivate me and get better, but I love everything science, taking a like in pharmaceutical, and that's where I think and hope I'll wind up. That's what I like, it pays pretty well, and I'd be happy taking that up in the future.
  5. Glad to see someone like me around here, absolutely clueless with these new updates. They're supposed to be changing the website now too? I was just getting used to it! :)Anyway, I did the same thing. I came on to do this year's Halloween event, and I realized a lot of my friends, (online friends and, surprisingly, a few irl) still played, so I thought I'd give it another go. Thanks for all the warm welcomes, again.
  6. Wow... I've been wanting this forever! This will probably be the first thing I do when I get members back.
  7. Welcome to the clan! I've only been here a few days and it's already great, I'm sure you'll feel the same way.
  8. I'll be there for sure if I have member.s
  9. In all the community clans I've been in, I've mostly enjoyed the friendship and fun. It was hard to play Runescape without being in a clan, so I decided to join one, and that made me enjoy the game more.
  10. Ruffalex


    I live in Massachusetts, there was a huge storm this weekend in New England, some places in West Mass and Vermont got upwards of two feet... I got lucky, only got around 5 inches. Major power outages everywhere in my town, power lines and trees knocked over, it's crazy.
  11. Yes actually, I have a quest cape banked, but I need to do around 12 quests now to get it back.. I'll work on it.
  12. Haha, fair enough.Me: 1 Shit list: However many are on it
  13. They'll be back soon enough. It'll be a short time, but whatever, I think a lot of people will stop botting for good now. It's only a matter of time before they fix it, though.
  14. As you may or may not know, I'm just getting back into Runescape.. I'll explore some of the new updates, and then I'll set some goals to motivate me a bit to train. Anyway.. I'll organize this a little bit after this "prologue," I guess, and show my current goal, whatever I want to do. Ruffalex's Goals (reserved for bank picture) Current Goal99 Strength How I plan to get it: Slayer! I'll slay my way through it. I'll hope to get it by the New Year, give or take a week.(reserved place for slayer gear, will post it when I get members back) Goals (in no particular order) Why/How I plan to get it: God help me... This won't happen for a while. I want to get it for Turmoil, obviously. I don't know if I'll ever get this Why/How I plan to get it: Won't take too long at all, just cost a little. I'll probably do the plank spell. Want to get it for vengeance and ice barrage. Why/How I plan to get it: My least favorite skill... I can't STAND this skill, and it'll probably take me forever. I'll probably mine granite, I'm doing it for ROTM. Why/How I plan to get it: Up there with my least favorite skills... I'll probably do the Ape agility course, and it'll take forever... Why/How I plan to get it: Not too bad, I'll probably just spend some money and do Green Dragonhide chests. Won't take that long, but I'm willing to pay more to get it done faster. Why/How I plan to get it: I almost have all the charms.. It won't take too long. This is for the Unicorn Stallion. Why/How I plan to get it: Why not? Easy and cheap enough skill, and I enjoy it enough I guess. I don't know if I'll ever bother, but perhaps if I get bored enough. Why/How I plan to get it: Again, why not? I don't see myself realistically completing this, but I love to slay. I won't be going for this, but slaying is my favorite thing to do in game, so I guess its a possibility. Item Goals None currently, to be honest. I'd just like to get a bigger cash pile and make my bank a bit richer, will do it through slayer. Thanks for checking out my goals... I plan to update this pretty often, and I'll post some pictures as I level up.
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