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Everything posted by zepherusbane
I think that trust in Runescape or otherwise is gained over time with people that you spend time with. For example, if you had experience with one friend of loaning out small amounts multiple times it is only quite natural that you would trust for larger and larger amounts as time goes on. If you loaned and didn't get anything returned you would stop loaning right? This is the same concept in real life. I have family members who ask to borrow $20 or whatever, if they consistently pay me back I don't feel bad about loaning again or loaning more the next time. In other words, I don't think trust in the game is gained any differently than in real life. The main difference is that online people often don't know the people they are ripping off personally. If they knew that you had their address and might show up at their house to collect they are more likely to pay off a debt don't you think? Morals have a tendency to get thrown out the window when there is enough distance involved and/or enough gain, the temptation is there in any case.
Oh, I broke the 300 quest points thing to get to Odysseus level.
There is still a "veteran" world in classic that you can only enter if you played classic back before they first locked it down. Those who logged in for one of the times they have opened up classic (this is not the first time!) can get the cape, but still don't get to go on to the veteran world. The cape is a new thing anyway so doesn't really take away anything from the original classic players, it just means that you logged in to classic once regardless of when.
Anyone who bots deserves a ban. Hopefully your main will get banned too if you ever shared stuff between the accounts!!
Once you get really close, it can really be hard to finish it up. If you can't stay focused on it once you get close to the end, there are a lot of methods you could try. Here are some below: [*]Wait until a double XP weekend to speed it up [*]Instead of trying to do the skill straight through, always spend at least an hour each day or week on the skill. It might take a lot longer to get there that driving straight on, but it won't take forever. [*]Don't forget to use your assists every day for the skills you have over 91 that are assist-able. You can get all the way to 99 just on those assists if you really hate working the skill. [*]Find other ways to train the skills you don't like such as combining with other activities such as Dungeoneering or use distractions and diversions like circus for agility or penguins for runecraft. [*]Try using alternate methods to train the skill, just because a lot of people get to 99 doing things a certain way doesn't mean you have to use the same method. IE, you could fish rocktails in LRC, Monks at Piscatoris, lobsters anywhere, barbarian fishing, trout/salmon, etc. You get the idea. Every skill has alternate methods to train it, you just have to find the one you like best or rotate between them to keep from being bored.
Does someone maintain that or was a one time update?
Arrr! I be there if I be online, arrrrr!
Those are some very ambitious goals. How quickly are you planning to reach each each of them or are you working them all concurrently?Range always seems to be the slowest for me to work on out of that list, supposedly Dungeoneering is the fastest if you can stand it. I'm not much of a fan of dungeoneering, it takes way too much attention all the time (unless you are a leech, which I am not, he he).I've taken to using addy bolts with a rune crossbow to train range lately myself but I don't know if it's really a good way or not. Can you recommend any good methods?Good luck!
I highly recommend getting the cheaper scrolls as soon as you can too. I can't tell you how awesome it is to get back an expensive farming seed when you harvest, especially herbs and trees. The herblore scroll is even more useful as it saves you tons of both potion seconds and the herbs themselves when making potions. When adding ingredients I've been averaging one herb and one second saved per inventory.
Tim (Entersyed or Tomas da Tan)'s Goals
zepherusbane replied to Entersyed's topic in Goals & Achievements
Desert Treasure is the quest that allows you to switch to ancient spells Ranger, big milestone for the mages! It's also the one that gets you an ancient staff.I don't recall much about the quest other than it was long and difficult or I would offer some better advice, but I do wish you good luck Tim. -
Woo-hoo! More of my fellow MS have joined!! He he. Happy to see you Nich and Brian, the Rebelz have been good hosts to me so far since I signed up to their forums.
OK, thanks. I'm sure it won't take long to get to that.
So how many posts are required to be allowed to play games in the forum arcade?
This is the best one I've ever gotten. I still do clues fairly often, but these days they almost always suck. Runeplate (g).
Well I don't have any recent PK pictures. But I like looking at others pics! I've been mostly skilling lately, but here are a few really old ones, maybe the rest of you can add some newwer ones. I think this is the newwest one I have, at least it was after HD came out. Here are a few really old ones:
I think it's a great idea too. You would have a classic account if you have ever logged in to classic in the past. To be able to log in you have to be a member. You can find the login page on the runescape homepage, just search for "classic" on the main runescape.com page and the top return will be the page you want.If you can't remember, just try to log in. It won't let you if you don't have a classic enabled account.
Awesome! At least you can get in if you ever decide you want to.Also, just got this:
Jagex is going to be opening up classic one last time for any who want to try it. I saw an announcement in one of their updates this month, not sure when they are going to do it yet, but that should allow a whole bunch of people to get in and see what Runescape used to be like. The main problem with it today is there are usually only around 25 people online at any given time. Kind of hard to buy and sell anything. Items that are pretty common in RS2 are still hard to get (like a rune kite for example, or strength ammy).
Hi everyone, I've been working on mining lately and last night got a level, thought I would post it here. 93 mine: Also, just for fun, does anyone else ever play RS Classic?
Having done fletching at one of my first 99's, I have to say that I used to really like the skill. Not so sure how much it's changed since I did it, but I know at least today "string x" is available. I used to make yew and magic longs for a majority of my xp and then alched the bows after to make money and to get 99 mage. I don't know if you can make money doing that today, but at the time I was doing this it was my primary income source and my way to feed the mage skill so I kept going even after 99. If you decide to make bows and want to increase profits, you can do some of the boring but easy things yourself. [*]One I used to do was to pick my own flax and make my own bowstrings for craft xp. Yes, picking flax is one of the most boring things out there but picking your own can save you a ton of money when you are making 10's of thousands of bows. I once picked 10k flax without taking breaks to work on anything else, how I could stand it was by watching movies at the same time (it took three movies by the way). Pick flax in Lletya for the closest banking. [*]I also used to cut a lot of yews and magics myself rather than buy them. Today that's even more useful than when I did it as yew and mage logs are a lot more expensive these days than they used to be. Even if you only cut 1 or 2k of your own logs out of each batch of 5-10k you fletch, you'll see a dramatic increase in your profits. The bonus is that you'll get a lot of wc xp too while doing this, cutting logs for fletching is how I got 99 wc. My favorite places for cutting are the yews in tree gnome stronghold and for mages, the spot just outside of Lletya in the Elf area. [*]Lastly, nats are so cheap these days you might not want to bother making any of them, but obviously each one you do make yourself can save you money on materials. I used to buy my nats and they were actually a lot more expensive than they are today (used to run 300gp each normally), but every bit you do yourself gives you more profits. If you do make nats, craft them by using the abyss to get to the altar fastest. If you high alch yew longs you'll get 768gp each, mage longs 1536gp each so you'll have to do the math to see if you will actually make money or not.
In that case, can I please have the following added?Magic masterysmithing masterycooking masteryfiremaking masterywoodcutting masteryfletching masteryCombat: Lieutenant ColonelTotal Level: 2200Questing: Frodo Baggins
Presumably you only do the awards for members right?
Malkavian Scourge (MS)Nice to meet you!
Hello everyone. I came to check out your boards since crazycow73 stopped by on our boards to suggest an alliance. I like the setup you guys have on your boards, especially the awards section, really nice. Anyway, just saying hello and will probably lurk a bit to see how things work over here at TRR. Zepherusbane <-that's my RS name too, I never bother changing it.