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Everything posted by shinn

  1. DSE im not a TES fan but liked the teso, and im fine with it.
  2. who likes it buys it. who doesnt like it, wont buy it. I dont understand the whole hatehype. It's just another bloody 0815 humanrace. Every mmo has CE's with special stuff.
  3. imho they imperial race wouldnt be stronger just other racial but not better at all. otherwise ppl will be rly upfcked and it would be bad publisity for zenimax
  4. well i see positive and negative aspects. At first Daggerfall was clearly the underdog in beta (but we fought well in rvr!) and the Norddudes were clearly overpopulated. They may want to mix it a bit. But i thing there could be balanceproblems bc of mixing the races in the fractions. but well thats their problem. I like the option.
  5. there are diminishing returns. but i guess for each CC a sperate DR. but not 100% about the 2. fact.
  6. oh wow, +1 Zenimax. Didnt expect that. Normally they publisher pushes the games to a teen rating for more PROFIT! Another good point for the argument ESO isnt just a moneycow. I like. It won't discourage many of the lovers of your mother blake. But the mature rating + P2P will keep some younger players away bc they parents won't pay for this. I dunno how it's knowadays but back in my time i couldn't affort a mmo with my pocketmoney, or i couldn't buy anything else. But at all a huge advantage for the "community" and a less money for Zenimax. We'll see if its good or bad in the future
  7. everyclass can play "everythings" more or less effective. just play what u want and decide while u are lvling which "role" u wanna pick.
  8. just release TTT from ff8 in a bigger style (like heartstone) -> best game universe
  9. Radial Sweep morph - increases amor by 140 for each enemy hit (rly small range) - didnt remember the other one :s Piercing Javelin morph- adds an 3,5sec knock down
  10. Casttime isn't a problem. you're able to cast while running. But towards the mainopinion, i see the Templar more as Bruiser with Support abilitys than as Healer. Iin my honest opinion are full healers are a waste of potentional. I'm first idea was to play the Templar as Orc with 2hand weapon + Healstaff or sword/shield. skill the charge skill to -> more dmg the further u charged and with our knockbackspear a 3,5sec knockdown. n addition the Slow Range Castspell on maxrange and the Reg/Stamina Aura as support ability. On Last spot i would get the Shield witht he amount of 24% of our life. As ultima maybe Nova, but not sure atm. The healerstuff, sword shield is just for escaping/surviving. Not sure witch skills so far.
  11. it isn't. nearly half of all morphs are missing. i dont feel certain about the nds in this suspect. should we post the informations about skills or do we have to wait.
  12. will be there a update on the skilldatabase or do we have to wait till NDA is vanished
  13. I'll never understand the disucssion about the monthly fee. Every Singelplayergame is done in 14 days. And nearly every of it costs 50€. Therefore playing for 13€ a wohle month i dont see any problems p2p mmo are imho still the best. gw2 ist just like a big proof b2p isnt the best option, (expect if u like to buy everyday new skins :>)
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