Casttime isn't a problem. you're able to cast while running. But towards the mainopinion, i see the Templar more as Bruiser with Support abilitys than as Healer. Iin my honest opinion are full healers are a waste of potentional. I'm first idea was to play the Templar as Orc with 2hand weapon + Healstaff or sword/shield. skill the charge skill to -> more dmg the further u charged and with our knockbackspear a 3,5sec knockdown. n addition the Slow Range Castspell on maxrange and the Reg/Stamina Aura as support ability. On Last spot i would get the Shield witht he amount of 24% of our life. As ultima maybe Nova, but not sure atm. The healerstuff, sword shield is just for escaping/surviving. Not sure witch skills so far.